FreeOnline Hole as of 4-5-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Into ----- FreeOnline currently makes it's free users surf non-free zones for 30 minutes and 2hour lots within certain hours of the day. If you are a FreeOnline user which I currently am you may be interested to know that there is a way out to non-free sites using a site which FreeOnline does achknowledge as a site to be surfed at any times. If you have ever used before then you may have noticed how when you click a link in your inbox it opens a new browser and adds a little frame that says "You are now visiting a site out of hotmail". So FreeOnline knows that you are in yes but what Free- Online does not know is that you have gone through hotmail and hotmail has now viewed another site for you. The reason I explain this hole is due to I needed to get to a site I was working on urgently and it was not a site FreeOnline allowed me to surf at all times, so I needed to figure out a way I could access the non-free site's whenever I needed to. Things you should have ----------------------- An email account with An internet access acccount with How to access non-free site's after using up your "allocated free time" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Know the address of the non-free site you want to access. 2. Log into with your account. 3. If your hotmail email account is then email the address of the non-free site to 4. Check your inbox you should now have an email from yourself. 5. Go into that email. 6. You should see something like or whatever the non-free site you put into the email you sent yoourself. 7. Click that link and you'll access the non-free site through hotmail. I hope someone out there finds this usefull.