Content-Type: Remote Root via vulnerible CGI software Date : 13/08/2000 Sender : s1gnal_9 Subject : everythingform.cgi Vulnerible CGI X-System : UNIX/NT systems running the everythingform.cgi CGI software X-Status : s1gnal_9-ADVISORY-everythingform.txt X-Greets : Narr0w, f0bic, VetesGirl _________________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: The EVERYTHING form [everythingform.cgi] PRODUCT HOMEPAGE: DESCRIPTION : It allows you to process an unlimited number of forms using only one script; its feature's are simple, and flexible according the the product homepage. This is the replacement script for the previous scripts "flexform" and "flexform_mail". PROBLEM: When you submit the form, it responds back to the email address that you entered, saying "thank you" or other data, when you put your email address in the form add " < /etc/passwd" after your email address, and shortly you will have the /etc/passwd file in your mailbox. EXAMPLE: Below is a example of how we could get the /etc/passwd file off the remote system. <-------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------------->
<-------------------------CUT HERE--------------------------------------> SOLUTION I would rewrite a portion of the script to do input validation checking. Please visit :)