Hexyn / Securax Advisory #15 - G6 FTP Full Installation Path Topic: G6 FTP Full Installation Path Announced: 2001-02-17 Affects: G6 FTP Server up to version 2.0 DISCLAIMER: *********** THE ENTIRE ADVISORY HAS BEEN BASED UPON TRIAL AND ERROR RESULTS. THEREFORE WE CANNOT ENSURE YOU THE INFORMATION BELOW IS 100% CORRECT. THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. I. Problem Description ********************** G6 FTP Server is a popular FTP server for Windows 9x/NT. A bug allows any user to change to the directory G6 was installed in. Due to good programming, the only way to exploit this bug is by viewing the full installation path. Downloading the user-file (Users.ini) is impossible. II. Impact ************** When sending the command "CWD ..:/.." (or "cd ..:/.." in the default UNIX FTP client), G6 FTP will try to change to the installation directory, but it will give a "Forbidden" error. But when sending the command "DELE ..:/unexisting_file" (or typing "delete ..:/fuck_him"), G6 will return an error message containing the full path. Example: -------- [t-Omicr0n@10c41b0x:~]$telnet telnet> open 21 Trying Connected to Escape character is ''^]''. 220 t-Omicr0n FTP Server by G6 FTP Server ready ... user anonymous 331 Anonymous logins allowed. Please use full email as password. pass me@me.com 230 User anonymous logged in. => dele ..:/unexisting_file 550 ''/C:/Program Files/G6 FTP Server/unexisting_file'': no such file or directory. What happens ? *------------* Due to the ":", G6 thinks you want to change to another drive. But because you use two characters to specify a drive (dd:/ instead of d:/), G6 panics and goes directly to the c:\ drive. But because you are already on the C drive, in the program directory to be exact, it changes to this directory. So now we know we are in the program directory. Now, if we do something wrong in the way we get an error with the path included, we get the full path of the program directory. Note: - "Show Relative Path" must be OFF (It is off by default, but some say it is a violation of the server''s privacy (and it looks unprofessional if you ask me) so some admins turn it off.) - BUT: Due to another bug in G6 FTP Server, when your users have to be able to change disks, admins have keep this off, otherwise it is impossible to change to another drive... - As far as I tested, this only works with the DELE and the RNFR command. The others (RETR, APPE,...) will give a 550: Permission Denied error without the path. But DELE is all we need. :) III. Solution ************* There is a temporary solution. When the option "Show Relative Path" is checked, G6 FTP will not give out the full path. At this time, no patch is available yet. IV. Credits *********** Bug discovered by t-Omicr0n Greets to: f0bic, The Incubus, R00T-dude, cicer0, vorlon, sentinel, oPr, Reggie, F_F, Shaolin_p, Segfau|t, NecrOmaN, Zym0t1c, l0r3, Preat0r, T0SH, zeroX, AreS, tips, Lacrima, GigaByte and everyone at #securax@irc.hexyn.be -- t-Omicr0n @ http://t-Omicr0n.hexyn.be