------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOF discovered and written by MurderSkillz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: Company Name and Website Nokia www.Nokia.com Software that comes with the Vulnerable .dll's: Nokia Phoenix Service Software 2008.04.007.32837 This software is used for flashing nokia cellphones and maintenance. Other versions of this software were not tested but may be vulnerable if the dll versions are the same as other Phoenix versions.. Vulnerable dll's: cmnsignalanalyzerfn.dll {F85B4A10-B530-4D68-A714-7415838FD174} & cmnsignalgeneratorfn.dll {929A0D77-044A-497F-8FDF-8EDE81F6251A} Both file Versions are: RegKey Safe for Script: False RegkeySafe for Init: False KillBitSet: False The POC was tested on Windows XP Pro SP3 w/ Internet Explorer 7 - All patched Also Windows XP Pro SP2 w/ Internet Explorer 7 By the way, props go out to shinnai for his tool, Roadmap. Major thanks go out to HD Moore and the Metasploit project/crew =) www.metasploit.com Thanks sCORPINo =P www.snoop-security.com The author of this POC is not responsible for any stupid shit you do with it =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------