nGenuity Information Services - Security Advisory Advisory ID: NGENUITY-2009-007 osTicket Admin Login Blind SQL Injection Application: osTicket v1.6 RC4 Vendor: osTicket Vendor website: Author: Adam Baldwin ( I. BACKGROUND "osTicket is a widely-used open source support ticket system. It seamlessly integrates inquiries created via email and web-based forms into a simple easy to use multi-user web interface. Easily manage, organize and archive all your support requests and responses in one place while providing your clients with accountability and responsiveness they deserve." [1] II. DETAILS osTicket prior to v1.6 RC5 fails to validate / escape staff usernames which can be abused to execute a blind sql injection attack by an unauthenticated attacker. The vendor has provided a new release v1.6 RC5 which addresses this vulnerability. They have also provided patching instructions [2] should you be unable to perform a full upgrade at this time. One sample attack string might look similar to the following: '+(SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(passwd,1,1)=CHAR(48),BENCHMARK(1000000,SHA1(1)),0) passwd FROM ost_staff where staff_id=1) and '1'='1 III. REFERENCES [1] - [2] - IV. VENDOR COMMUNICATION 3.25.2009 - Vulnerability Discovery 3.25.2009 - Vendor notification & initial vendor response 6.26.2009 - Vendor releases fix in osTicket v1.6 RC5 Copyright (c) 2009 nGenuity Information Services, LLC