root@host [~]# mysql -uhorde -p -h pelese enter blank password Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 922208 to server version: 4.0.22-standard Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> show databases; +------------------------+ | Database | +------------------------+ | abdinsh_db | | admifinc_admifincast | | adversa_adversa_com | | adversa_com | | adversa_groupware | | alburak_falconstream | | alfornaj_4images | | alfornaj_alfornaj2 | | alfornaj_card | | alfornaj_nuke4alfornaj | | allcomp_manage | | alvah1_default | | aracil_aracil | | bandkmfg_osc1 | | buildyo_osc2 | | bulkdn_dn | | calidac_calidacom | | calidac_xacobeo | | calidan_calidanet | | calidan_xacobeo | | ccwrt_default | and etc .... orginal thread in our fourms Security4Arab