------------------------------------------------------ Nightmare TeAmZ Advisory 001 ------------------------------------------------------ Date - 10/2005 Complete PHP Counter Multiple Vulnerability AFFECTED PRODUCTS ================= Complete PHP Counter http://www.dotcombuilder.com OVERVIEW ======== The counter website allows visitors to search for the top visited websites participating in the counter program. | | Websites can list their sites for free and in return they will receive a counter for their website. After a website has registered, he/she is able to select the category that best describes their website, add a description and copy and paste the counter code for their website. Statistics are provided for each website. DETAILS ======= 1. XSS Malicious users may inject JavaScript, VBScript, ActiveX, HTML or Flash into a vulnerable application to fool a user in order to gather data from them. 2. Sql Injection An unauthenticated attacker may execute arbitrary SQL statements on the vulnerable system. This may compromise the integrity of your database and expose sensitive information POC === 1. ------ Xss At This Url http://www.[host].com/[php-counter]/list.php?c='> 2. ------ Sql Injection At This Url: http://www.[host].com/[php-counter]/list.php?c='&s=' SOLUTION: ========= vendor contacted: Venditor Non Response... Credits ======= This vulnerability was discovered and researched by BiPi_HaCk of Nightmare TeAmZ Site: http://www.NightmareTeAmZ.altervista.org _________________________________________________________________ Personalizza MSN Messenger con sfondi e fotografie! http://www.ilovemessenger.msn.it/