-Summary- Software: Olate Download Sowtwares Web Site: http://www.olate.co.uk/ Versions: 3.4.2 Class: Remote Status: Unpatched Exploit: Available Solution: Not Available Discovered by: imei addmimistrator Risk Level: Middel Description Olate download is prone to SQL injection in download.php file. Lack of programmers knowledge about HTTP headers and process of assigning value to predefined global arrays, resulted to this bug.With a shallow look, on line app. 118-127 youll understand that programmers trusted to headers HTTP_REFERER and HTTP_USER_AGENT, unaware that hackers can modify them for his abuse. code:119,download.php $dbim->query(INSERT INTO .DB_PREFIX.stats SET file_id = .$_REQUEST[file]., timestamp = .time()., ip = .$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]., referrer = xx.$_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER]., user_agent = .$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT].); Exploit- headers: reffered: sql OR user agent: sql Solution Not any updates available~ Credit Discovered by: imei addmimistrator addmimistrator(4}gmail(O}com www.myimei.com