[START] ######################################################################################### [0x01] Informations: Script : Gallery Kys 1.0 Download : http://www.advancescripts.com/djump.php?ID=6285 Vulnerability : Admin Password Disclosure / Permanent XSS Author : Osirys Contact : osirys[at]live[dot]it Website : http://osirys.org ######################################################################################### [0x02] Bug: [Admin Password Disclosure] ###### Bugged file is: /[path]/config.inc [CODE] [/CODE] Just going at this path you will get Administrator's password. [!] FIX: Don't allow direct access to this file and change it's extension with .php [!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/config.inc $adpass="admin_pwd"; ######################################################################################### [0x03] Bug: [Permanent XSS] ###### Bugged file is: /[path]/uploadform.php [CODE] $fp =fopen($file, "w+"); $name=stripslashes($name); $des=stripslashes($des); $code=stripslashes($code); $author=stripslashes($author); $w ="name=".$name."&price=".$price."&code=".$code."&des=".$des."&author=".$author."&mail=".$mail."&date=".$date."&web=".$web; [/CODE] Once we got Administrator's password, we are able to log in. Login at this path: /[path]/admin.php Then just go at this path: /[path]/uploadform.php Fill the forms, and put in description form the following code: After this action, data that we typed in the upload form, will be saved on .txt files. In index.php source code, we can see that the script opens the .txt files, and prints it's values directly in html code. [!] FIX: Filter variables before printing them in the html code. preg_math the < > " chars. Filter illegal chars. ######################################################################################### [/END]