############################################################### #NetAccess IP3 - Force into shell #By: r00t #Shouts: G., Tee, ES, s1ngl3, and D1g1t5 # ############################################################### #Requirements: Remote access to an IP3 # Any level control panel username/password # ############################################################### #Vendor Information: #Thanks to Sebastian Wolfgarten (sebastian at wolfgarten dot com) #for including vendor information in his AFD vuln # #"IP3's NetAccess is a device created for high demand environments such as #convention centers or hotels. It handles the Internet access and #provides for instance firewalling, billing, rate-limiting as well as #various authentication mechanisms. The device is administrated via SSH #or a web-based GUI." # ############################################################### 1. SSH into the IP3's IP address 2. After logging in, select the "ping" option (usually menu item 5) 3. Ping the address: localhost && sh 4. After four pings to localhost, shell will be forced open One may think there are limitations once logged into shell without root access on an IP3. Wrong.