This Metasploit module exploits a buffer overflow in Computer Associates BrighStor ARCserve r11.5 (build 3884). By sending a specially crafted RPC request to opcode 0x342, an attacker could overflow the buffer and execute arbitrary code. In order to successfully exploit this vulnerability, you will need set the hostname argument (HNAME).
Simple Machines Forum versions 2.0 RC2 and 1.1.10 suffer from cross site scripting, cross site request forgery, denial of service and php code execution vulnerabilities.
Running DISA SRR scripts against your server can get you easily rooted. They run arbitrary binaries discovered on the filesystem as root. They apparently need another Security Readiness Review script to first audit their own Security Readiness Review scripts. This is an update to the previous finding, documenting that although a fix was attempted, it failed.