LiveZilla - Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability Version Affected: (newest) Info: LiveZilla, the Next Generation Live Help / Live Chat and Live Support System connects you to your website visitors. Use LiveZilla to provide Live Chats and monitor your website visitors in real-time. Convert visitors to customers - with LiveZilla! Credits: InterN0T External Links: -:: The Advisory ::- The following files would together be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting. 1. livezilla/templates/map.tpl (lines 18-20) var default_lat = ; var default_lng = ; var default_zom = ; 2. livezilla/map.php (lines 15-28) if(isset($_GET["lat"])) $map = str_replace("",$_GET["lat"],$map); else $map = str_replace("","25",$map); if(isset($_GET["lng"])) $map = str_replace("",$_GET["lng"],$map); else $map = str_replace("","10",$map); if(isset($_GET["zom"])) $map = str_replace("",$_GET["zom"],$map); else $map = str_replace("","1",$map); Proof of Concept: () http://localhost/livezilla/map.php?lat=%3C/script%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert( Pseudo Proof of Concept: - Javascript functions could also have been executed inside the javascript where the vulnerable code is. -:: Solution ::- The following patch was supplied to the vendor: 1. livezilla/templates/map.tpl (lines 18-20) var default_lat = ""; var default_lng = ""; var default_zom = ""; 2. livezilla/map.php (lines 15-28) if(isset($_GET["lat"])) $map = str_replace("",htmlentities($_GET["lat"]),$map); else $map = str_replace("","25",$map); if(isset($_GET["lng"])) $map = str_replace("",htmlentities($_GET["lng"]),$map); else $map = str_replace("","10",$map); if(isset($_GET["zom"])) $map = str_replace("",htmlentities($_GET["zom"]),$map); else $map = str_replace("","1",$map); We used htmlentities() since we thought that would be the best solution. The other functions named htmlspecialchars(), urlencode() and raw_urlencode() could have been an alternative to the above. Disclosure Information: - Vulnerability found 27th December - Patch was made available 27th December - Disclosed on InterN0T 27th December - Vendor and Buqtraq (SecurityFocus) contacted the 27th December All of the best, MaXe