Global OutDials on DECservers - Italy - May 1996 by Zhart/THC þ Finding a DECserver The DECserver is a terminal server, it connects its terminals to hosts available on an Ethernet Local Area Network. DecServers are usually reachable via telnet and sometimes via dialup. Via telnet you need to scan/search for them in the internet, Via dialups use a good Carrier Scanner like ToneLoc or THC-Scan. Telnet: About telnet connection decservers have normal ip addresses, but what we are interested in is the alpha address, 'cause almost always it starts with "DS"; just something like: and if the owners are very very lame it can even contain the string "MODEM" or "DIAL" (wow!) in its alpha address. So what I suggest is to combine a brute force scanning with an intelligent (smart) behaviour... You should first find a route ip address of a university or of a science research network or whatelse you (and, after some scanning, your experience) think could have such a beautiful device. It should be a network big enough to have several vaxes and other machines... Note that not always an alpha address starting with "DS" leads to a DECserver , i.e. sometimes ultrix machines have an address like that. [I personally made a script to scan subnets from XXX.XXX.0.0 to XXX.XXX.255.255 or from XXX.XXX.XXX.0 to XXX.XXX.XXX.255 and to save only interesting alpha addresses, but i don't suggest to use it automatically, in other words take it always under control and use your brain!] þ Warning: usually scripts like this do a lot of noise; think about "lastcomm" "ps" and things like that ... þ Warning: to do subnet scanning you need an host with a very fast connection þ Warning: CERT SUX !!!!!! ;) NOTE: instead of a script it's wiser to do a zone transfer (for example with nslookup or dig) to get all the alpha names in a domain. But this needs a) an skilled unix user and b) the target DNS server must allow zone transfers. (There are other methods but this article isn't about unix hacking ;-) So I only present this better possiblity which not many can do reading this article. Dialup: Nothing much to say about scanning these ... just do a fast carrier scan of an area overnight and hope you get a dec-server. If you know that a company has got dialups and a big computer network, then try to scan those local numbers. There aren't much on toll free numbers and those are usually more protected. If you connect via dialup, you have no problem to recognize it: _______________________________________________________________________________ DECserver 700-08 Communications Server V1.1 (BL44G-11A) - LAT V5.1 DPS502-DS700 (c) Copyright 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation - All Rights Reserved Please type HELP if you need assistance Enter username> THC Local> ------------------------------------------------[FROM alt.2600/#hack.FAQ]------ But if you connect via telnet it will not appear anything on your screen: -------------------------[Start Capture]--------------------------------------- telnet> open Trying 123.45.678.910 ... Connected to Escape character is '^]'. ---------------------------[End Capture]-------------------------------------- All you have to do is just press enter (it's easy uh?), and it will appear a "#" prompt (at this time you are quite sure it's a DECserver), echo gets off and ... now comes the time to type the password to enter the DEC ... I won't tell you the default pwd (which in 99% of my times was the good one) 'cause .... 'cause shit ! Do I have to tell you everything??? (scan!) It's a very very lame password usually one of the firsts that you could think of. You have 3 tries, after that it disconnects you. I don't know if there are warnings or logs of wrong attempts made, but can tell that IF the password is not the default one, then the system administrators take care about security very very much, so be careful. Typing the right password appears the same screen of the first capture (look up!), you are asked a username but it isn't of any importance, just type something unsuspicious like just one letter. þ Once in ... let's find out if there's a modem ! The "Local> " prompt is the DECserver prompt , I strongly suggest to give a "help" command 'cause the dec help is very kind and it will tell you more interesting things you can imagine... and you should learn from practice, not reading shitty articles like this one from zines <g> ! Ok, to have an idea of where you are , there are two commands : "show users" "show services" The second one will tell you all the possible connections: ---------------------[Start Capture]------------------------------------------- Local> show services Service Name Status Identification AXPXXS Available DEC OSF/1 Version V3.2 LAT SERVICE AXPXX1 Available @sys$manager:XXXXXXXX_axp.txt AXPXX2 Unknown DEC OSF/1 Version V3.0 LAT SERVICE AXPXX3 Available ALPHA 3000/400 - XXXXXX IV - XXX AXPXX5 Available ALPHA 3000/400 - XXXXXX II - XXX AXPXX6 Available ALPHA 3000/300 - XXXXXX IV/XXXXX - XXX AXPXX7 Available ALPHA 3000/300 - C.S. - XXX AXPXX8 Available DEC 200 4/166 - XXXXXX III - XXX AXPXX9 Available DEC 200 4/166 - VETOR_1 - XXX AXPXXA Available DEC 200 4/166 - VETOR_2 - XXX AXPXXB Available DEC 400 4/233 - G. XXXXXX AXPXXC Unknown DEC 200 4/166 - AXX - XXX AXPXXD Available DEC 200 4/166 - AXX - XXX XXXXXXX Available ULTRIX 4.3 (RISC) XXXXXXXX Available MV3100-M76 XXXX-XXX XXXX2 XXXXXX Available VS3100-M76 - C. XXXXXXX XXXXXX Available XXXXserver 310 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MVCB0 Unknown VS 2100 - XXXXX MVCBCT Available XXXX cluster - VAX/VMS V5.5 MXXXX2 Available VS3100 - XXX Server Decnet-XXX MXXXX7 Available MV3100-M76 - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MVXXX8 Available Welcome to VAX/VMS V5.5-2 MVXXX4 Available VS3100-M76 - Disk server- MX31CS Available Welcome to VAX/VMS V5.5-2 SATCS3 Available MV3100-M76 - X.X. XXXXXE Unknown DEC OSF/1 Version V3.0 LAT SERVICE VAXXXX Available @SYS$MANAGER:XXXXXXX.TXT VS31C1 Unknown Welcome to VAX/VMS V5.5-2 VS40C6 Available Welcome to VAX/VMS V5.5-2 VSXX12 Unknown VS3100 - X. XXXXXX VSXX11 Available VS2000 - S. XXXXXXXXXXXX VXXX12 Available VS 2000/50 - XXXXXXS VX31CS Available Welcome to VAX/VMS V5.5-2 ----------------------------------[End Capture]------------------------------- Reading the description or the service name it's easy to find out a modem. If you find it, let's say its name is "DS1MODEM" , you just have to use the "connect" command: -------------------------[Start Capture]--------------------------------------- Local> connect DS1MODEM Local -010- Session 1 to DS1MODEM on node DS7001 established atz OK atdt004969823282 CONNECT 14400/REL Press [ENTER] to access L.o.r.E. BBS -------------------------[End Capture]----------------------------------------- þ ... A little bit difficult If from the "show services" doesn't seem to be any modem (try also strange services and services without description) don't lose any hope 'cause often devices such as modems are used only by sys-administrators, they create the service when they need it and then "CLEAR" it. What you have to do is look all the PORTS of the DECserver for modems ... Here you use the "SHOW PORT" command: --------------------------[Start Capture]-------------------------------------- Local> show port 8 Port 8: Server: DSLE8 Character Size: 8 Input Speed: 9600 Flow Control: XON Output Speed: 9600 Parity: None Signal Control: Disabled Stop Bits: Dynamic Signal Select: CTS-DSR-RTS-DTR Access: Local Local Switch: None Backwards Switch: None Name: PORT_8 Break: Local Session Limit: 4 Forwards Switch: None Type: Ansi Default Protocol: LAT Preferred Service: VAXXX Authorized Groups: 0 (Current) Groups: 0 Enabled Characteristics: Autobaud, Autoprompt, Broadcast, Input Flow Control, Lock, Loss Notification, Message Codes, Output Flow Control, Verification -------------------------------[End Capture]----------------------------------- All of these informations are interesting but the one which usually tells if a modem is connected to the port is: Enabled Characteristics: Dialup, etc..., etc..., etc,... So give a look at all ports, if there's nothing interesting throw that DEC in the trash ,otherwise you NEED PRIVELEGES to use the modem ... In 50% of cases the password to become privileged user is the default one, in 85% of cases it's a lame one ... Once again I won't tell you the privileged user default password (which is different from the first password) but once again I say it's an absolutely lame pwd! To become Privileged user do: Local> set priv Password> Once again have 3 tries ,but this time I'm sure that an invalid attempt is logged with a certain warning value! If after you've typed the pwd it answers with the "Local>" prompt it means you're a privileged user , and finally you can do : Local> set port 1 service FUCKYOU Local> connect FUCKYOU And enjoy your dialout ;) þ Epilogue There's a lot to learn about DECservers, about all the settings and options you can switch, so experiment ... they are useful to penetrate systems and can tell you very much about a network ... lot of DECs have also an active telnet command ... And you can often find valid telnet targets with the command "show domain". So these DECservers can also be useful to pass a Firewall (!) and to enter internal networks which would normally not available (not connected to the internet) ! But this once again goes to far into unix hacking ... But be careful do not abuse too much, use your brain ... Think that sooner or later a phone bill arrives to someone and .... Use modem outdials only in hours when you know offices and machines' rooms are closed ... Greets and Have Fun! ANARCHY ALL OVER THE WORLD !!!!!!!! To All Italian H/P scene doods: We need to be united ! Leave me a message on LorE BBS +49-69-823282 Login: THC Pwd: THC Zhart/THC