Advisory: MailForm v1.91 for Windows 95 and NT 4.0 Chopsui-cide[MmM] The Mad Midget Mafia - ======================================================================= Do not save this with any editor, or _vital_ formatting may be lost. Disclaimer: ============= This document is intended as an advisory, and I cannot be held accountable for its misuse. The reader assumes all responsibility for his/her use of this information. Summary: ========== Date released: 07/04/2000 (dd/mm/yyyy). Risk: denial of service, reading of private files, appending to private files, full system compromise if the afforementioned risks are leveraged properly. Vulnerability found by: Chopsui-cide Vulnerable: MailForm v1.91, probably prior versions (not tested). Immune: ? MailForm allows potentially dangerous parameters to be specified by anyone who can execute it. These allow for reading and writing of files on the system on which MailForm resides. Details: ========== Problem fields: _1_TextLog - _1_HTMLLog - these two are the ones used to write to files. _1_MailTemplate - this is what is used to retrieve files. _1_INIFile - possibly dangerous, but not discussed here. _1_MailServer - we can just change this to our own address. _1_MailTo - we don't even need to bother with this. It's fairly obvious where the problem lies here. We can specify any file to send + the POP server to send it to. The con\con bug may also be used to bring down the entire system. Template files will be cut off at the first null character, so retrieving of binaries is not practical. Trying to retrieve certain files will cause MailForm to crash. A very crude example of how to run code on the remote system is provided in the last section of this advisory. Implementation: web interface =============================== I have constructed some html that allows an attacker to download and append to files on any remote system running MailForm (cut where it says [snip], obviously): [snip] Web interface for MailForm vulnerabilities. Do not be alarmed by any "Form submission failed" errors. These are normal. You will need to modify the form tags in this page to correspond to the host being attacked.

Download file:

Append to file:
Note: your text will be preceeded by garbage.

The Mad Midget Mafia
[snip] The e-mail will be sent to the host you specify on port 25. It should be easy enough to capture using netcat. Implementation: full compromise ================================= When appending text to files, the following kind of ugly crap preceeds it: [snip] Submitted at Thu Apr 06 22:14:49 2000 from Name: [snip] Even with this handicap, we can still modify/create batch files. This is how we will execute code. The idea here is to create a kind of "script" for debug that will assemble and execute a small program. It is basically just a list of keystrokes. We then add an entry to autoexec.bat that executes it. Fist we need to upload the following file to c:\windows\script.txt [snip] a 100 mov dx,10b mov ah,09 int 21 mov ah,4c int 21 db "Code has been executed.",0d,0a,"$" g=100 q [snip] Make sure at the end of each line there is _no_ carriage return. Each line should be terminated by \x0a (linefeed). Get rid of the carriage returns (\x0d), ie: a 100 mov dx,10b mov ah,09 int 21 mov ah,4c int 21 db "Code has been executed.",0d,0a,"$" g=100 q Add a newline (\x0d,\x0a) before the above, and submit the two lines using the web-based interface. Add the following line to any batch file that is executed upon start-up (ie, autoexec.bat): debug < c:\windows\script.txt Check that everything is in order by trying to download both script.txt and the batch file you modified. Force a reboot using the con\con vulnerability. Once it restarts, the code will be executed. I know this is a really ugly hack, but it works (poor excuse). Also, make sure the garbage doesn't interfere with anything (always put a newline before the start of your commands). =======================================================================