[[-openlinux 2.3-]]
[-local-] [-description-] [-author-]
kdesud-xpl.c DISPLAY env overflow noir
rumple.tgz users can break suid restrictions nimrood
xperl.sh suidperl 5.00503 (and newer) exploit michal zalewski
[-remote-] [-description-] [-author-]
ifafoffuffoffaf.c integrated ftp attack facility typo/teso
rmp_query.c users can obtain a listing of all installed packages scanner by alhambra
wuftpd2600.c / bobek.c format strings exploit [multiple]
[-dos-] [-description-] [-author-]
adv3.tar.gz Nameserver traffic amplify (DNS Smurf) and NS Route discovery (DNS Traceroute) teso
mw-exp.c users can corrupt any file on system grazer