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Betr.: Long path exploit on NTFS

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Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 17:40:53 +0100
From: Remko Catersels <>
Subject: Betr.: Long path exploit on NTFS

> Long path exploit on NTFS
> =====================
> The filesystem NTFS seems to be a hiding place for virusses if you use a
file path which
> exceeds 256 charaters.

McAfee Virusscan V4.5.1 running on NT4.0 SP6a seems vulnerable to the same 

Virusscan found eicar1 but not eicar2. Worst thing is, it just silently 
stopped (no error it couldn't go 'deeper') and claimed there where no more 
infected items.

Remko Catersels                  
Security Specialist (BOFH)    A.S.R. Verzekeringsgroep N.V.
CC WHILS                                          +31 - (0)10 - 401 3273

Security isn't easy, nor is it something that you can bolt onto a product 
after the fact.
      -- Bruce Schneider. 

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