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Exploitable - Content Management System

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Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 11:41:45 +0200
From: Security @ RA-Soft <security@RA-SOFT.COM>
Subject: Exploitable - Content Management System

Possible Security Problem in NCM - Content Management System

Package name:      NCM Content Management System
Severity:          Possible direct access to database of content
Date:              2001-04-10
Affected versions: ?, no information from the vendor - contact them
Found:             Roland Aigner


Problem description:
     With specific malformed http requests, a direct access to the content
database is possible. with an additional character not recognized by the
database server in use in a request variable the complete SQL error is
shown in a window.
playing this game further, its possible to exploit this database like
(sorry for the line break)
this uses the displayed (in the errorbox that i get from the first url)
databaseinformation to obtain all records.

with a correct SQL server (like MS - SQL) it should be possible (but
untested) to use a nested sql-query to even drop the database (or the
content table).

Please note: it looks like the "=" character is already filtered out, so i
had to use a > or < to get the entries.

   I recommend to filter out all comparison characters and to supress SQL
error displays in actual production websites.

   NCM homepage:

   Informed on 2001/04/10
   Answer from them on 2001/04/11: bugs fixed, customer should get new
version immediatly

   This clearly showes again a common problem/error in handling variable
information via CGIs. Variable information should be filtered according
rules for the specific variable, not just mindless passing to a
sql-statement or whatever. another typical mistake is to display
errorresults from a database connection directly in a production
environment. its quite usable in a development environment, but on a
customer machine it makes no sense and its dangerous because it reveals a
lot of information of the used database.

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